• 一直那样安分守已的。

    He's always been so regular.


  • 一个人可能总是一直地他的呼吸困难

    One can't go on writing forever about how hard it is to breathe.


  • 他换了很多间学院还换过一个导师。 “坐在那里一直地看书,而老师每年一样问题。”

    To sit there and read constantly, the same questions that they ask every year.


  • 我们愚蠢一直那个数字

    We had stupidly been looking at the wrong column of figures.


  • 一直费力份不知所云的电脑打印稿

    I had been peering at a computer print-out that made no sense at all.


  • 按时完成任务,一直快马加鞭工作

    I've been working like nobody's business to get it finished in time.


  • 尽管最近动了手术一直不顾一切继续工作。

    Despite her recent surgery she has been carrying on regardless.


  • 公诉人确切无疑证实这个女人一直在撒谎

    The prosecution was able to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the woman had been lying.


  • 总统一直的顶级高级助理们秘密聚到一起进行商谈。

    The president has been huddling with his most senior aides.


  • 一直在想我们怎样才能更好员工服务?

    I'm always thinking, how can we best serve our employees?


  • 系统一直令人困惑

    The Earth-Moon system has always been perplexing.


  • 我们一直手忙脚乱设法挽救生命

    We have been frantically trying to save her life.


  • 他们显然一直希望巧妙切入这个话题

    They had obviously been hoping to approach the topic with more subtlety.


  • 人们一直不耐等待改善状况机会

    People have been waiting impatiently for a chance to improve the situation.


  • 轻轻松松赚钱一直令人向往的事。

    Making easy money has always been an attractive proposition.


  • 直到去年政权一直牢牢控制着这个国家

    Until last year, the regime kept a tight grip on the country.


  • 一直精神紧张摆弄着钢笔

    He kept toying nervously with his pen.


  • 一直不断改写材料

    He was in a continual process of rewriting his material.


  • 我们行李一直托运最终目的

    Our luggage was checked all the way through to our final destination.


  • 一直快速眨眼。

    She was blinking her eyes rapidly.


  • 一直受到持续监测,接受定期血压检测。

    He is being constantly monitored with regular checks on his blood pressure.


  • 这些想法并不它们发展开战以来一直在稳步继续

    The ideas were not new. Their development had proceeded steadily since the war.


  • 一直隐隐约约听到——它来了!

    I have been hearing it faintly all the—there it is again!


  • 很快认出了它们因为一直在聚精会神听着

    She soon knew them, too, for she had listened attentively.


  • 他们一直是同心协力工作

    They work shoulder to shoulder all the time.


  • 小女孩在晚会上一直胆怯远离人群

    The girl kept herself timidly aloof from the crowd.


  • 那位反对者一直未经允许修改意见

    The demurrer have been revising her opinion without permission.


  • 大多数人不一样,一直坚定看好中国经济。

    Unlike most, I have been a steadfast optimist on China.


  • 上帝:“我会一直无条件爱着。”

    "God says," I will always love you and it is unconditional.


  • 上帝:“我会一直无条件爱着。”

    "God says," I will always love you and it is unconditional.


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