• 似乎不再在乎,这令担忧

    It concerns me that you no longer seem to care.


  • 该党不再能够国会中占有多数

    The party was no longer able to command a majority in Parliament.


  • 更生气,便不再说话。

    Not wishing to antagonize her further, he said no more.


  • 不再终身职位这样了。

    There's no such thing as a job for life any longer.


  • 不再多讲了,继续欣赏音乐吧!

    That's enough chat from me—on with the music!


  • 不再吃了。控制体重

    No more for me. I have to watch my weight.


  • 只想回家而且不再回来

    She just wanted to go home and not come back.


  • 声明不再竞选连任总统

    He declared he would not run for a second term as president.


  • 我们决定不再追究这件事。

    We have decided not to pursue the matter.


  • 食物短缺不再是个问题

    Food shortages are no longer a problem.


  • 律师不再执业了。

    My solicitor is no longer in practice.


  • 事实简单,我们不再需要了。

    The bald fact is that we don't need you any longer.


  • 希望永远不再见到这个地方

    I hope I never set eyes on this place again!


  • 不久便这个工作不再抱幻想了

    I soon became disillusioned with the job.


  • 铁路使这个国家东部不再闭塞。

    The railway opened up the east of the country.


  • 选民变得政治不再抱幻想。

    The electorate had grown disenchanted with politics.


  • 款式服装使的款式不再流行。

    New fashions drive out old ones.


  • 老师似乎不再抱有希望。

    His teachers seem to have given up on him.


  • 责令具保年内不再闹事。

    She was bound over to keep the peace for a year.


  • 不再啦,是不是这样

    You don't love me any more, is that it?


  • 应该放心不再担忧

    I ought to relax and stop worrying about it.


  • 出价500元,不再加价

    I'll give you $500 for it, and that's my final offer !


  • 新闻界同意退让,不再搅扰对夫妇

    The press have agreed to back off and leave the couple alone.


  • 知道自己医疗保险不再担心了。

    Knowing that she had medical insurance took a great load off her mind.


  • 还是不再从医。我不合适干那个

    I left medicine anyway. I wasn't really cut out for it.


  • 渴望回到自己家中不再担惊受怕

    She longed for the sanctuary of her own home.


  • 中学毕业不再那么依赖母亲了。

    When she left school she grew away from her mother.


  • 我们不再相信政府承诺

    We've lost faith in the government's promises.


  • 尽量不再发生过的事情。

    Try to forget about what happened.


  • 尽量不再发生过的事情。

    Try to forget about what happened.


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