• 贫困健康不良常有连带关系。

    Poverty and poor health often go hand in hand.


  • 众所周知这种具有不良副作用

    This drug is known to have adverse side effects.


  • 腰背可能不良姿势造成

    Back pains can be the result of bad posture.


  • 用药不当引起严重不良反应

    The improper use of medicine could lead to severe adverse reactions.


  • 不良行为只是个别事件

    His bad behaviour was just an isolated incident.


  • 儿童很小可能养成不良姿势习惯

    Children can develop bad postural habits from quite an early age.


  • 日本各家银行处于困境,缘于不良贷款以及股市暴跌

    Japan's banks are in trouble because of bad loans and the stock market plunge.


  • 过量饮酒不良作用毫无疑问

    The adverse effect of excess alcohol is beyond question.


  • 说:“动机不良永远存在。”

    "People with poor motives will always exist," he says.


  • 不良好奇心可以抵抗的。

    Unhealthy curiosity is possible to resist.


  • 木头热和不良导体

    Wood is a poor conductor of heat and electricity.


  • 众所周知摆脱不良习惯非常困难的。

    It is universally acknowledged that it's very difficult to shake off bad habits.


  • 不良反应时,应该立即停止服药

    Whenever you have an adverse reaction, you should stop taking the drug right away.


  • 悔恨自己不良行为

    I regret my bad action.


  • 我们必须首先人们知道不良环境危害

    We must first inform people of the dangers of a poor environment.


  • 电视电影制作人通常会融入不良行为元素

    TV and movie producers often incorporate an element of bad behavior.


  • 木头不良导体

    Wood is a poor conductor.


  • 大学里学习一个成功的教育者应该忽视(学生的)不良行为

    In college I had been taught that a successful educator should ignore bad behavior.


  • 这次经历没有使受到不良影响

    She suffered no ill effects from the experience.


  • 营养不良明显使病人虚弱无力

    Malnutrition obviously weakens the patient.


  • 警方怀疑当地一个不良帮派

    Police suspect a local gang.


  • 经济衰退开始产生不良影响

    The recession is beginning to bite.


  • 消化不良任何胃部疾病笼统用语。

    Indigestion is a catchall term for any kind of stomach distress.


  • 该国大约百分之三十孩子营养不良

    About thirty percent of the country's children were malnourished.


  • 反对公司政策得到考绩不良评语。

    She earned a black mark for opposing company policy.


  • 孩子不良行为,小题大做可能适得其反。

    Paying children too much attention when they misbehave can be self-defeating.


  • 牛奶过敏可能会对奶酪也有不良反应

    Someone allergic to milk is likely to react to cheese.


  • 医疗预后不良

    The medical prognosis was bleak.


  • 另外一对夫妇他们儿子不良行为归因于矮小的身材。

    Another couple attributed their son's misbehaviour to his small size.


  • 这样没完没活动可能付出代价的,也许是不良健康状况甚至离婚

    There may be a price to pay for such relentless activity, perhaps ill health or even divorce.


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