• 学校需要义务工作者帮助儿童阅读

    Schools need volunteers to help children to read.


  • 地方议员义务社区服务。

    Local councillors have a duty to serve the community.


  • 觉得没有义务告诉实情

    She did not feel under any obligation to tell him the truth.


  • 我们义务关怀这些难民

    We have a duty to care for the refugees.


  • 基督教义务谴责暴力

    The Church has a duty to condemn violence.


  • 国家义务保护本国公民不受外敌侵犯。

    The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies.


  • 只有承担义务才能享受与其相关权利

    Man has rights only in so far as they are a correlative of duty.


  • 认为报警义务

    She felt it her duty to tell the police.


  • 该片探讨公共义务个人情感之间冲突

    The film explored the tension between public duty and personal affections.


  • 为了租户利益,条列给房东规定明确义务

    Regulations placed clear obligations on the landlord for the benefit of the tenant.


  • 政府即使没有法律上义务道义上的义务进行赔偿

    The government had a moral, if not a legal, duty to pay compensation.


  • 来说遗憾的是,头衔带来特权带来了义务

    Unfortunately for him, his title brought obligations as well as privileges.


  • 牢记我们祖国应尽的义务

    Never forget our duty to our motherland.


  • 讨厌因为它看似选择实为义务

    I hate it because it's an obligation disguised as an option.


  • 如果权利义务实现吗?

    If I might have a right, do you have a duty to fulfill that for me?


  • 义务至高无上的。

    This duty is Paramount to all the others.


  • 中国接受义务教育我们责任义务

    In China, it is our responsibility and obligation to take compulsory education.


  • 维护世界和平我们义不容辞的国际主义义务

    Maintaining world peace is our unshirkable internationalist duty.


  • 我们任何医生没有任何法律道义上义务

    We do not have any legal or moral obligation to any physician.


  • 唯一义务,我唯一应缴的适用每个人

    The only obligation, the only tax that was due from me applied to everyone.


  • 尽管这种做法激励法律上没有义务进行报告

    While there are incentives to do it, there's no legal obligation to report it.


  • 当地医院从事一些义务工作

    I do some voluntary work at the local hospital.


  • 雇主义务遵行健康安全法

    The onus is on employers to follow health and safety laws.


  • 这个机构义务的,不是为了赢利

    The agency is voluntary and not run for profit.


  • 决定作为名医生同胞负有义务

    She had decided that as a doctor she had a responsibility to her fellow creatures.


  • 觉得义务帮忙

    He felt obligated to help.


  • 现在设法逃避我们协议中应承担义务

    He's now trying to weasel out of our agreement.


  • 一个姑娘怀孕了,他觉得自己义务照顾孩子

    He had got a girl pregnant and felt obligated to her and the child.


  • 必须优先发展义务活动

    Priority must be given to the development of obligatory activities.


  • 每个人都义务取悦

    Everyone is obliged to please me.


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