• 警察只得设立路障阻截人群

    Police had to erect barriers to keep crowds back.


  • 听到人群前面传来喃喃低语。

    He heard muttering from the front of the crowd.


  • 警察受到等待人群的嘲弄。

    The police were jeered at by the waiting crowd.


  • 人群麻烦,便渐渐散了。

    At the first sign of trouble, the crowd melted away.


  • 正在另外抽调警察控制人群

    Extra police are being drafted in to control the crowds.


  • 人群渐渐散去,剩下几个

    The crowd had thinned out and only a few people were left.


  • 拥挤人群简直变疯了情势混乱

    The crowd went absolutely mad. It was bedlam.


  • 他们红场上的人群之中

    They walked among the crowds in Red Square.


  • 等候人群变得鸦雀无声

    A hush descended over the waiting crowd.


  • 恐怖分子胡乱地向人群开枪。

    The terrorists fired into the crowd at random.


  • 音乐会结束人群便散去了

    The concert ended and the crowd disassembled.


  • 聚集人群5 000人。

    The crowd was 5 000 strong.


  • 聚集人群共计一千多人。

    The crowd numbered more than a thousand.


  • 警察挥舞着警棍冲入人群

    The police waded into the crowd with batons.


  • 枪声一响,人群便逃散了

    At the first gunshot, the crowd scattered.


  • 人群中与丈夫走散了。

    She lost her husband in the crowd.


  • 他用胳膊肘开路穿过人群

    He nudged his way through the crowd.


  • 窃贼很快混入人群逃跑了。

    The thieves soon blended in with the crowd and got away.


  • 组织者呼吁人群不要惊慌

    Organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic.


  • 人群稳步走台前

    He forged through the crowds to the front of the stage.


  • 人群只好障碍物后面

    The crowd had to stand behind barriers.


  • 人群渐渐事故现场散去。

    The crowd drifted away from the scene of the accident.


  • 觉得自己淹没人群中。

    She felt invisible in the crowd.


  • 救护车离开人群便散了

    When the ambulance had gone, the crowd dissolved.


  • 拥挤人群路障推倒了。

    The barriers gave way under the pressure of the crowd.


  • 我们穿过人群来到河边

    We made our way through the crowd to the river.


  • 人群他们面前分开了

    The crowd parted in front of them.


  • 人群疯狂地冲向出口处

    The crowd made a mad rush for the exit.


  • 一眼瞥见人群

    He caught a glimpse of her in the crowd.


  • 他们人群开了

    They fired several rounds at the crowd.


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