• 具有方便便宜双重优点

    It has the double advantage of being both easy and cheap.


  • 一张往返票张单程票便宜

    A return is cheaper than two singles.


  • 他们总是出售非常便宜东西

    They're always selling off stuff like that dirt cheap.


  • 尼克能找到价格便宜航班

    Nick has always been good at finding cheap flights.


  • 这件衣服是减价时便宜的。

    I got this dress cheap in a sale.


  • 下午6点到早晨8价钱便宜

    It's cheaper between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m.


  • 件外套—一就是便宜

    Don't buy that coatit looks cheap and nasty.


  • 算来还是公共汽车便宜些。

    It'll work out cheaper to travel by bus.


  • 出租的房间旅馆便宜

    It was cheaper to live in lodgings than in a hotel.


  • 乘火车可靠便宜适合长途旅行

    Trains are reliable, cheap and best for long-distance travel.


  • 人们转向购买便宜的自有品牌商品

    People will trade down to own labels which are cheaper.


  • 坐飞机那儿同样便宜

    You can get there just as cheaply by plane.


  • 这样小提琴不会便宜

    Violins like this don't come cheap.


  • 挑了一家便宜旅馆

    She chose the least expensive of the hotels.


  • 今年任何便宜东西明年甚至便宜

    Anything that's cheap this year will be even cheaper next year.


  • 煤炭实际上煤气便宜

    Coal is actually cheaper than gas.


  • 个人的意见我们应该便宜那个

    My own feeling is that we should buy the cheaper one.


  • 要想便宜地方最好降低要求

    You'd better lower your standards if you want to find somewhere cheap to live.


  • 淡季旅馆便宜些。

    Hotels are cheaper out of season.


  • 虽然乘飞机便宜我们还是走了陆路

    We made the journey by land , though flying would have been cheaper.


  • 夸脱的盒装牛奶品脱便宜

    A quarter carton of milk is cheaper than two single pints.


  • 说,并不便宜

    It isn't cheap, I can tell you!


  • 这家旅馆根本便宜

    The hotel was anything but cheap.


  • 小型轿车还有一个优点是养护成本比较便宜

    A small car has the added advantage of being cheaper to run.


  • 生产力更高农民们提供便宜食品

    More productive farmers have been able to provide cheaper food.


  • 餐饭便宜出奇

    The meal was amazingly cheap.


  • 便宜绝对不

    It wasn't cheap. Anything but.


  • 这个方法两个优点便宜较快

    This method has two advantages: first it is cheaper and second it is quicker.


  • 预订便宜一些。

    It's cheaper if you book the tickets in advance.


  • 预订便宜一些。

    It's cheaper if you book the tickets in advance.


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