• 每人4限额减少到了2张。

    The quota of four tickets per person had been reduced to two.


  • 政府头等大事减少犯罪

    The government's primary concern is to reduce crime.


  • 他们旨在减少人们福利制度依赖

    Their aim is to reduce people's dependency on the welfare state.


  • 肌肉皮肤的供血量就减少

    The blood supply to the skin is reduced when muscles stiffen.


  • 政府决心减少本国外债

    The government is committed to reducing the country's external debt.


  • 今年军费开支有所减少

    There has been some decrease in military spending this year.


  • 人们减少脂肪摄入量

    People should decrease the amount of fat they eat.


  • 过去一年各项费用已经减少了20%。

    Costs have been reduced by 20% over the past year.


  • 酒量年龄的增大而减少

    Tolerance to alcohol decreases with age.


  • 车主要求减少出行

    Car owners were asked to cut down travel.


  • 人们应该脂肪减少心脏病风险

    People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.


  • 渴望美国减少远程核导弹达成协议

    He is eager to reach agreement with the U.S. on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.


  • 打电话次数减少了。

    Her calls became less frequent.


  • 失业人数有所减少

    There has been some reduction in unemployment.


  • 我们必须采取预防措施减少这个地区犯罪

    We must take preventive measures to reduce crime in the area.


  • 压力严重损害健康锻炼则可以减少这些影响

    Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects.


  • 收入通常随着退休而大大减少

    Retirement usually brings with it a massive drop in income.


  • 市场他们产品的需求减少

    The market for their products is shrinking.


  • 税收减少可能使预算失去平衡

    Tax cuts may unbalance the budget.


  • 减少伤亡事故公关形象重要

    Limiting casualties is important for public relations.


  • 政府许诺减少排队看病者的人数。

    The government has promised to cut hospital waiting lists.


  • 地球上森林覆盖总面积正在减少

    The total forest cover of the earth is decreasing.


  • 汽车增加导致公共交通减少

    An increase in cars has resulted in the decline of public transport.


  • 公司都在削减投资减少产品种类

    Companies are cutting investment and pruning their product ranges.


  • 工厂试图通过减少开支维持生存

    The big factories are trying to stay alive by cutting costs.


  • 总是节食体重好像并未减少

    She's always dieting but she never seems to lose any weight.


  • 增加巡逻警察可能有助于减少罪行

    More police officers out on the beat may help to cut crime.


  • 目前学校注册人数在减少

    School enrolments are currently falling.


  • 增加税收使国债有所减少

    Tax rises have made some inroads into the country's national debt.


  • 学生应该努力逐渐减少老师依赖

    Students should aim to become more independent of their teachers.


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