• 邮局关门之前到达邮局。

    She rushed to get to the post office before it closed.


  • 他们行进了20英里到达首都

    They marched 20 miles to reach the capital.


  • 看到他们平安到达感到欣慰。

    I was thankful to see they'd all arrived safely.


  • 到达医院宣告已经死亡

    She was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.


  • 碰巧运气好我们刚好同时到达

    By a happy coincidence , we arrived at exactly the same time.


  • 刻意约束自己准时到达那里

    I made a conscious effort to get there on time.


  • 我们驾车沿泥泞小路到达农舍

    We drove along a muddy lane to reach the farmhouse.


  • 得知他们平安到达如释重负

    Knowing that they had arrived safely took a load off my mind.


  • 我们到达苏珊时,非常热情

    When we arrived at her house Susan was very welcoming.


  • 我们到达会议已经结束了

    By the time we arrived the meeting was over.


  • 我们安排如何到达机场

    We've still got to arrange how to get to the airport.


  • 什么时候到达希思罗机场?

    What time do you get into Heathrow?


  • 救火车到达之前熄灭了

    The fire had burnt (itself) out before the fire engines arrived.


  • 到达附近医院死。

    He was dead on arrival at the nearby hospital.


  • 我们仍然3点以前无法到达

    We could still make it, but we won't get there till three.


  • 保安部队到达使局势更加难以控制。

    The situation was further inflamed by the arrival of the security forces.


  • 到达他们正在早饭

    They were having breakfast when I arrived.


  • 我们最后到达深夜

    It was late at night when we finally arrived.


  • 警察到达后就控制了局势。

    The police arrived and took command of the situation.


  • 他们天黑以后到达边境

    They didn't reach the border until after dark.


  • 留出足够时间到达机场

    Allow plenty of time to get to the airport.


  • 好长时间才到达那里

    It took hours getting there.


  • 希望我们及时到达那里

    I hope we get there in time.


  • 我们有望天黑到达

    Hopefully, we'll arrive before dark.


  • 什么时候到达这儿的?

    What time did you get here?


  • 足够的时间到达机场

    There was ample time to get to the airport.


  • 必须规定时间到达

    You must arrive at the time stated.


  • 客人终于陆续到达了。

    At last the guests began to arrive.


  • 列车9:05准时到达

    The train arrived at 9.05 to the minute.


  • 他们最后到达的人。

    They were the last to arrive.


- 来自原声例句

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