• 游客当地人之间区别一望即知。

    You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the natives.


  • 很难分辨两个版本有什么区别

    It was hard to tell the difference between the two versions.


  • 工艺美术之间区别有争议

    The distinction between craft and fine art is more controversial.


  • 这些语言存在结构上的区别

    The languages are structurally different.


  • 我们起事件区别开来。

    We need to draw a distinction between the two events.


  • 区别真实虚构重要的。

    It's important to distinguish fact from fiction.


  • 及格及格区别

    It's the difference between a pass and a fail.


  • 再也分不清幻想现实之间区别了。

    He could no longer distinguish between illusion and reality.


  • 两个观点根本区别

    There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view.


  • 雄鸟黄色是与雌鸟相区别的主要特征。

    The male's yellow beak differentiates it from the female.


  • 哲学家过去习惯艺术科学区别开来。

    Philosophers did not use to make a distinction between arts and science.


  • 这些思维习惯忽略了共性正常之间区别

    These habits of thinking elide the difference between what is common and what is normal.


  • 萨拉根本区别在于我们金钱态度

    The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money.


  • 真地他们政策我们的政策有什么区别

    I can't really tell the difference between their policies and ours.


  • 不管什么都没有区别为什么还要费心去做呢?

    Nothing I do makes any difference anyway, so why bother?


  • 区别在于,你们盎格鲁撒克逊民族,我们是拉丁民族。

    The difference is, you are Anglo-Saxons, we are Latins.


  • 拿腔拿调地说道:“区别在于,你们盎格鲁-撒克逊人,我们是拉丁人。”

    "The difference is," he said portentously, "you are Anglo-Saxons, we are Latins."


  • 但是这种区别本质是什么呢?

    But what will be the nature of that difference?


  • 我们一视同仁,毫无区别

    He is fair to us without distinction.


  • 他们之间唯一区别有人承认

    The only difference between them is that some admit it.


  • 然而,本质区别不可否认的。

    Yet the essential difference is undeniable.


  • 我们指出其中一些主要区别

    We will point out some of the major differences.


  • 美丽的丑陋的脸的区别在哪里?

    How are beautiful faces different from ugly faces?


  • 就是其他人真正区别

    I suppose that was the real difference between him and all the rest.


  • 区别在于创造性思维批判性思维。

    The distinction is between the creative mind and the critical mind.


  • 他们分辨音乐细微的区别

    They can make subtle distinctions about music.


  • 区别主要次要任务

    A distinction should be made between the primary and secondary tasks.


  • 高速下,鲨鱼分辨其中的区别

    At high speeds the sharks can't tell the difference.


  • 知道,有什么区别

    Oh, I don't know, what's the difference?


  • 话说,种子就是区别

    In other words, the seed vault is the difference between life and death.


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