• 基本上篇文章可用3话概括

    Basically, the article can be summarized in three sentences.


  • 从未见过也会有词穷的时候。

    I've never known him to be stuck for words before.


  • 说了一半就不说

    He broke off in the middle of a sentence.


  • 人们认为用but开头不是好的文风

    It's not considered good style to start a sentence with 'but'.


  • 他用讨厌的习语:“要想善良,就得残忍。”

    He used a phrase I hate: "You have to be cruel to be kind."


  • 依旧恪守说过

    She still stands by every word she said.


  • 记得歌词。

    I can only remember the first two lines of that song.


  • 结尾顺便抱歉的话。

    An apology was tagged onto the end of the letter.


  • “那正常的吗?”乔西插了一

    'Is that normal?' Josie butted in.


  • 说了刻薄的话评论体重

    He made a snide comment about her weight.


  • 顺便问一听说过了吗?

    Incidentally, have you heard the news about Sue?


  • 投给愤怒的一瞥诅咒。

    He shot her an angry look and a curse.


  • 声明祈祷”收尾。

    His statement ended with the words: "Pray for me."


  • 记者记录了下来

    Reporters took down every word of his speech.


  • 复合包含两个多个

    A compound sentence contains two or more clauses.


  • 毫无冒犯之意的话。

    It was a perfectly innocent remark.


  • 杰克难得加鼓励的话

    Jack threw in the odd encouraging comment.


  • 不经意的话可能使笔交易告吹

    One careless word could blow the whole deal.


  • 怎么啦?整个上午你

    What's with you? You haven't said a word all morning.


  • 回家一路上

    She didn't speak a word to me all the way back home.


  • 总是歪曲话。

    You always twist everything I say.


  • 顺便提一台机器简直太了不起了

    BTW, the machine is simply amazing.


  • 他用刺耳声音小心地一字一地念着。

    His voice was harsh as he enunciated each word carefully.


  • 道歉的话也没有

    He didn't even say sorry.


  • 声嚷了一什么

    He screeched something at me.


  • 我咬紧牙关,硬是把意见咽了回去

    Gritting my teeth, I did my best to stifle one or two remarks.


  • 的话

    I didn't believe a word she said.


  • 顺便问一几点钟

    What's the time, by the way?


  • 征求意见只是反问

    I asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question in return.


  • 征求意见只是反问

    I asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question in return.


- 来自原声例句

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