• 国会明天提案进行投票表决。

    Congress will vote on the proposals tomorrow.


  • 我们希望政府国会合作

    We want to cooperate with both the administration and Congress.


  • 只有国会法案才能扭转这种局面

    Only an act of Congress could rectify the situation.


  • 国会授予总统全权继续这场战争。

    The President was given a blank check by Congress to continue the war.


  • 选入国会作为利兹市的议员。

    He was elected to Parliament as the Member for Leeds.


  • 民主党可能失去对国会控制

    The Democrats will probably lose control of Congress.


  • 他们使议案国会获得通过

    They got the bill through Congress.


  • 该党不再能够国会占有多数

    The party was no longer able to command a majority in Parliament.


  • 国会观望总统方面的反应

    Congress is waiting to see how the Oval Office will react.


  • 国会方面快得惊人行动

    That would be an astonishingly fast action on the part of the Congress.


  • 你们观点应该国会议员们知道

    You should also make your views known to your congressperson.


  • 国会应该抗拒尝试快速经济调整诱惑

    Congress should resist the temptation to try quick economic fixes.


  • 美国公众应受到来自国会坚决的行动

    The American public deserves strong action from Congress.


  • 他们这个计划尽快获得国会批准

    They want to get the plan through Congress as quickly as possible.


  • 需要增强外交技巧国会打交道

    He will need to sharpen his diplomatic skills in order to work with Congress.


  • 如此激进提案永远不会国会获得通过

    Such a radical proposal would never get through Congress.


  • 宪法要求总统寻求国会军事行动事先批准

    The Constitution requires the president to seek the prior approval of Congress for military action.


  • 国会通过了国家安全法案》,中央情报局由此诞生

    Congress passed the National Security Act, and the CIA was born.


  • 国会颁布了一项新的税法

    Congress has enacted a new tax law.


  • 敦促国会推进法案

    He urged Congress to move ahead with the bill.


  • 应该国会一个成员每一个市民都有意义

    It should mean something to every member of Congress and every citizen.


  • 国会批评了新政府防止犯罪措施

    Congress has criticized new government measures to combat crime.


  • 有可能成为无阶级社会吗?

    Will Britain ever become a classless society?


  • 抨击国会是充满花言巧语总统竞选开始

    This is the beginning of Congress-bashing presidential campaign rhetoric.


  • 许多人认为国会和平进程放在次要地位上。

    Many speculated that the U.S. would put the peace process on the back burner.


  • 如果肯尼迪没有刺杀今天的美国会相同吗?

    Would the U.S. be radically different today if Kennedy had not been assassinated?


  • 大多数保守党国会议员们看来政府保证感到满意

    Most Conservative MPs appear happy with the government's reassurances.


  • 纽约同性恋行动团体酷儿国度最近揭露一位美国国会议员的同性恋身份。

    The New York gay action group "Queer Nation" recently outed an American Congressman.


  • 国会图书馆美国国家图书馆。

    The Library of Congress is America's national library.


  • 忘了国会。”国王赫洛尔

    "Do not forget the diet," said King Hroar.


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