• 所有我们按照地图走。

    All we had to do was follow the map.


  • 地图颜色深部分代表什么?

    What do the shaded areas on the map represent?


  • 我们所有地图误差非常大。

    All the maps we had were wildly inaccurate.


  • 他掏出地图俯身去看上面的小字

    He got out his map and hunched over it to read the small print.


  • 地图折叠起来放进口袋

    He folded the map up and put it in his pocket.


  • 展开地图放在地板上

    He unfolded the map and set it on the floor.


  • 地图具有摄影般精确的记忆力

    He had a photographic memory for maps.


  • 迷路给过一张地图

    But I gave you a map so you wouldn't get lost!


  • 教鞭轻点在张世界地图上。

    She tapped on the world map with her pointer.


  • 地图找到布莱克吗?

    Can you find Black Hill on the map ?


  • 地图指出确切位置

    I could pinpoint his precise location on a map.


  • 地图标出主要城镇河流

    The map shows the principal towns and rivers.


  • 条船航线清楚地标地图

    The ship's route is clearly delineated on the map.


  • 这个地图一个绿色小点

    The island is a small green dot on the map.


  • 地图指出我们所处的方位

    He showed me our location on the map.


  • 地图上打标出了旅馆位置

    I've put a cross on the map to show where the hotel is.


  • 地图国界虚线标出。

    Country boundaries are shown on this map as dotted lines.


  • 地震震中标示在一张世界地图

    The earthquake centres had been plotted on a world map.


  • 这份地图使用符号全部索引中。

    A list of symbols used on the map is given in the index.


  • 地图勾画出路线

    He traced the route on the map.


  • 地图标有新的废物填埋场位置

    The map shows the position of the new landfills.


  • 地图甚至被标明条观光路线

    It was even marked on the map as a scenic route.


  • 地图桌子上展开。

    He laid the map out on the table.


  • 地板摊开地图

    Sue spread the map out on the floor.


  • 地图显示其余西部区域覆盖了9个

    The map shows the rest of the western region, encompassing nine states.


  • 任何一张还算像样的地图都能提供那些信息

    Any halfway decent map will give you that information.


  • 拿出一张地图我们指出快捷的路线

    She took out a map and indicated the quickest route to us.


  • 地图多大用处

    The map wasn't much help.


  • 地图标明一物种全世界分布情况

    The map shows the distribution of this species across the world.


  • 研究地图努力记住罗丝那条

    He studied his map, trying to memorize the way to Rose's street.


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