• 靠着船上护栏凝望大海

    She leaned on the ship's rail and gazed out to sea.


  • 泊绳索滑落,船大海

    The boat slipped its moorings and drifted out to sea.


  • 太多有毒废料大海里倾倒。

    Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea.


  • 大海气味使回想孩提时代。

    The smell of the sea took him back to his childhood.


  • 我们人面向大海闷闷不乐着。

    The three of us sat glumly looking out to sea.


  • 我家滨海房子大海只有英里

    Our beach house is just a couple of miles from the ocean.


  • 大海波涛汹涌整夜颠簸摇曳。

    The sea was rough and the ship pitched and rolled all night.


  • 小河弯弯曲曲缓慢地流向大海

    The stream meanders slowly down to the sea.


  • 抑制不住冲动又看了一眼大海

    Unable to resist the impulse, he glanced at the sea again.


  • 条河改道水电站后流入大海

    The river is diverted through the power station before discharging into the sea.


  • 飞机在距离海岸英里处坠入大海

    The plane hit the ocean several miles offshore.


  • 看见天边闪现银色—大海

    On the horizon, she saw a flash of silverthe sea!


  • 大海各种残骸碎片都冲上海滩

    The sea throws up all sorts of debris on the beach.


  • 每个房间扇面对大海

    Every room has a window facing the ocean.


  • 这些孩子中的大多数从没见过大海

    Most of the kids have never seen the sea.


  • 小船大海的深处去了。

    The little boat was swept out to sea.


  • 小路平缓大海延伸。

    The path ran gently down to the sea.


  • 风势减弱了,大海平静下来。

    The wind dropped and the sea quietened.


  • 外面一道陡坡,直插大海

    Outside there was a sheer drop down to the sea below.


  • 金色阳光使大海金子般闪闪发光。

    The golden light gilded the sea.


  • 成千上万捕的小鱼大海中去了。

    Thousands of small fish are thrown back into the sea as bycatch.


  • 公路陡然下坡,通向大海

    The road fell sharply to the sea.


  • 清澈蔚蓝的大海令人向往

    The clear blue sea beckoned.


  • 寒冷黑暗大海想想都吓得发抖

    He shivered at the thought of the cold, dark sea.


  • 在这里流入大海

    That's where the river meets the sea.


  • 破晓时分,大海平静下来,寒冷依然。

    Dawn came, the sea calmed but the cold was as bitter as ever.


  • 听见大海轻声诉说。

    I could hear the whispering of the sea.


  • 飞机坠入大海解体了。

    The plane disintegrated as it fell into the sea.


  • 管道污水排入大海

    The pipe disgorges sewage into the sea.


  • 大海阳光下波光粼粼

    The sea glinted in the sun.


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