• 这一领域成就最为卓著学者

    He was the most distinguished scholar in his field.


  • 一名美国学者昨天逐出该国

    An American academic was expelled from the country yesterday.


  • 正是这个传奇故事误导学者

    It's this legend which has misled scholars.


  • 据说是个了不起学者

    He is said to have been a brilliant scholar.


  • 集结了一个学者小组出谋划策

    He assembled a panel of scholars to advise him.


  • 这本书中的第2个故事标题学者》。

    The second story in the book is titled "The Scholar."


  • 许多学者这样论证过。

    Many scholars have argued thus.


  • 世界上优秀印度文化学者之一

    He was one of the world's foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture.


  • 学者声称他们可以通过一种电脑程序预测房价

    A group of academics say they can predict house prices through a computer program.


  • 温文尔雅正学者态度

    Being gentle and cultivated is just a scholar's attitude.


  • 不是一个平凡学者

    He is no mean scholar.


  • 第二天早晨这位学者出去咖啡报纸

    Next morning, the learned man went out to drink coffee and read the newspapers.


  • 原谅,”学者,“习惯了。”

    "I beg your pardon, "said the learned man,"it is an old habit with me."


  • 中国学者世界介绍中国文学方面做得最好

    Chinese scholars have done best in introducing Chinese literature to the world.


  • 同样许多美国学者难以置信完美演讲远非自然

    Likewise, the incredibly perfect speeches of many American academics are far from natural.


  • 经过几个世纪研究学者试图查明莎士比亚的生平事迹

    After centuries of research, scholars are still trying to discover Shakespeare's personal history.


  • 这位学者一点也不到这些事情——因为他们已经夺去了生命

    The learned man heard nothing of all thisfor they had deprived him of life.


  • 学者很多关于问题辩论

    There has been a lot of debate among scholars about this.


  • 对于纯粹学者适合

    It's not really suited to absolute beginners.


  • 学者解释这个问题很难

    It was difficult to explain the problem to beginners.


  • 言行举止学者

    His manner is not so much regal as professorial.


  • 以为门课纯粹学者的。

    I was under the misapprehension that the course was for complete beginners.


  • 当地经济学者预测到将出现棘手的问题。

    Local economists have looked into their crystal balls and seen something rather nasty.


  • 学者需要学习英语基础知识

    Beginners need to learn the basics of English.


  • 左边照片学者经常犯的一个错误

    The picture on the far left is a mistake that beginners often make.


  • 这位学者想到这一点,不禁浑身打起冷颤。

    The learned man trembled, for he thought of it.


  • 凯迪达特先生自己判断总是很谨慎而且不怕学者

    Mr. Candidate was always careful of his judgments, and not afraid of teaching beginners.


  • 由于需求旺盛,我们积极好学学者开设一个写作课题

    Due to popular demand, a writing project will be started for eager beginners.


  • 某些学者认为自由价值论能力论、或状态

    Some scholars think of freedom is one kind of axiology, or ableism, or state theory.


  • 外国考古学者们联翩而至

    Foreign archaeologists are arriving one after another.


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