• 过去他们一直是种族虐待对象

    In the past they have been the target of racist abuse.


  • 这家公司据传并购对象

    The company is rumoured to be a takeover target.


  • 尽可能靠近对象相机

    Get as close to the subject as you can and hold the camera steady.


  • 成了众人嘲弄对象

    He became an object of universal derision.


  • 憎恨对象24岁模特罗斯·弗伦奇。

    The object of her hatred was 24-year-old model Ros French.


  • 喜欢整个不是仅仅把她当作性对象

    He cared for her as a whole person rather than just a sex object.


  • 圣诞节期间商业化一面很容易成为讽刺对象

    The commercial side of the Christmas season is an easy target for satire.


  • 白色噪音通过耳机实验对象耳朵里

    "White noise" was played into the subject's ears through headphones.


  • 工具用于执行特定任务对象

    A tool is an object that used to perform a specific task.


  • 讨厌成为公众关注对象

    She hates being the object of public attention.


  • 响应对象进行操作。

    You will do this for the response object.


  • 我们应该哪个存储区域创建这些对象?

    Which memory area should we create these objects in?


  • 一个示例演示这些对象如何协同工作

    An example will demonstrate how these objects work together.


  • 没有特殊原因装入所有存储对象一种开销

    Loading all of the stored objects could be an overhead for no particular reason.


  • 可以通过定义对象绘制方式旋转正方形

    You can rotate your square by defining how you draw your object.


  • 这个程序包中必须映射所有测试应用对象

    In this package, you have to map all the objects of the application under test.


  • 那里有对象关系映射程序块隐藏宝石

    There is an object relational mapper out there that is a hidden gem.


  • 这个对象另一个名为 ParameterWithIVBouncyCastle实例

    This object is an instance of another Bouncy Castle class, named ParameterWithIV.


  • 该案警方主要怀疑对象

    He's the police's prime suspect in this case.


  • 成了这个办公室霸王欺负的对象

    I fell victim to the office bully.


  • 儿子兄弟会捉弄对象

    Her son had been the victim of fraternity hazing.


  • 对象七点钟见面。

    My date is meeting me at seven.


  • 恐怖分子列为头号谋杀对象长达

    She was at the top of the terrorists' hit list for over two years.


  • 这本书的对象幼童。

    The book is aimed at very young children.


  • 卑微身世仍然一些恶意玩笑的嘲弄对象

    He is still the butt of cruel jokes about his humble origins.


  • 许多城镇经常发现改变拥戴对象不失为明智之举。

    Many towns often found it politic to change their allegiance.


  • 没有自己土地绝不是个有价值的结婚对象

    With no lands of his own, he was no great matrimonial prize.


  • 政客们那时漫画家们当作是理所当然的抨击对象

    Politicians were always considered fair game by cartoonists.


  • 然而他们往往发现自己迫害对象不是表扬对象

    Yet, as often as not, they find themselves the target of persecution rather than praise.


  • 不必网上寻找约会对象。”

    "You don't have to look for dates online," she said.


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