• 许多工人相信工厂人员过剩

    Many workers believe the factory is overstaffed.


  • 许多工厂污水排进了条河里

    Many factories emptied their waste into the river.


  • 这家工厂登记在案,准备拆除。

    The factory is already marked down for demolition.


  • 工人极力反对关闭工厂决定

    Workers are fighting the decision to close the factory.


  • 那家工厂污水排到了河里

    The effluent from the factory was dumped into the river.


  • 工厂旧城中心逐渐向外扩展

    Factories were spreading outwards from the old heart of the town.


  • 并非所有工厂工作男性化

    Not all factory work has been masculinized.


  • 工厂大部分爆炸平地。

    Most of the factory was flattened by the explosion.


  • 这家工厂不能维持目前生产水平

    The factory cannot continue its current level of production.


  • 许多工厂陈旧以致值得保留

    Many factories are so antiquated they are not worth saving.


  • 工厂噪声达到难以容忍的地步。

    Noise from the factory has reached an unacceptable level.


  • 工厂倒闭的确领到了退休金

    He did have retirement money coming to him when the factory shut down.


  • 工厂应急发电机在停电期间用上了。

    The factory's emergency generators were used during the power cut.


  • 削减费用关闭工厂

    Two factories were closed in an attempt to cut costs.


  • 工厂空气经过过滤去除杂质

    The air in the factory is filtered to remove impurities.


  • 工厂污水到了附近河里

    Waste water is pumped from the factory into a nearby river.


  • 自动化意味着许多工厂工人失业

    Automation meant the loss of many factory jobs.


  • 这家工厂工人合作企业

    The factory is now a workers' cooperative.


  • 他们工厂提出赔偿要求。

    They lodged a compensation claim against the factory.


  • 这家工厂由于缺少燃料原料停产

    The factories shut down for want of fuel and materials.


  • 最初3个型号正在代顿工厂生产

    The first three models are being manufactured at the factory in Dayton.


  • 这家工厂完全计算机化了

    The factory has been fully computerized.


  • 这个工厂二十年前废弃了。

    The factory fell into disuse twenty years ago.


  • 工厂试图通过减少开支维持生存

    The big factories are trying to stay alive by cutting costs.


  • 工厂高温令人无法忍受。

    The heat in the factory was unbearable.


  • 这家工厂的职工多达千人。

    The factory has a 1000-strong workforce.


  • 工厂监督一类的人吧。

    He's a factory supervisor or something.


  • 这家工厂现在自动化

    The factory is now fully automated.


  • 工厂倒闭使许多失业

    The closure of the factory will lead to a number of job losses.


  • 工厂机器昼夜轰隆作响。

    The factory's machinery pounded away day and night.


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