• 新闻广播准确可靠极其枯燥

    Broadcast news was accurate and reliable but deadly dull.


  • 讲稿修改成了广播讲话

    She recast her lecture as a radio talk.


  • 一个直播广播节目主持人

    I am the presenter of a live radio programme.


  • 广播电视都报道了这次会见。

    The interview was broadcast on radio and television.


  • 出戏无线电广播而写的。

    The play was written specially for radio.


  • 技术改变广播方式吗?

    Will new technology change the shape of broadcasting?


  • 比赛同时电视广播中进行转播

    The game will be broadcast simultaneously on TV and radio.


  • 有没有广播听到采访的情况?

    Did you hear the interview with him on the radio ?


  • 很多早上收听广播节目

    A lot of people listen to the radio in the mornings.


  • 一次广播访谈中得到辩白机会

    He was given the chance to answer back in a radio interview.


  • 独立声明广播播出了。

    The proclamation of independence was broadcast over the radio.


  • 上班的路上广播

    I listen to the radio on the way to work.


  • 广播电台疲于应付愤怒听众打来的电话

    The radio station was besieged with calls from angry listeners.


  • 电视广播上适用的势必适用印刷媒体

    What is true for TV broadcasts will perforce also apply to print media.


  • 费用广播实际成本相比沧海一粟

    His fee is a drop in the ocean compared with the real cost of broadcasting.


  • 广播首都其它地区遭到了炮火袭击。

    The radio said other parts of the capital also came under shellfire.


  • 我们广播听到

    We heard it over the radio.


  • 电台广播节目一直极力推荐张CD

    He's been bigging up the CD on his radio show.


  • 多年无线电广播传媒界一直不受重视。

    For years radio has been the Cinderella of the media world.


  • 最近的12个月地方广播电台来说艰难的。

    The last 12 months have been difficult ones for local radio.


  • 作为名音乐家非常感激家乡广播电台。

    As a musician I owe much to the radio station in my home town.


  • 没有任何证据证明广播行业的竞争曾经使成本降低

    There is no evidence whatever that competition in broadcasting has ever reduced costs.


  • 找到他们广播波段收音机他们的电台上

    She found the wavelength of their broadcasts, and left the radio tuned to their station.


  • 愈来愈多的电视台广播电台使无线电波段愈来愈拥挤

    More and more TV and radio stations are crowding the airwaves.


  • 学生们通过校园广播校刊工作能够获得宝贵的经验

    Students can gain valuable experience by working on the campus radio or magazine.


  • 分钟后,透过广播静电噪音传出威严声音

    After only a minute an authoritative voice came through the static on the radio.


  • 有线广播系统女友求婚。

    He proposed to his girlfriend over a public-address system.


  • 昨晚收听广播吗?

    Did you hear that play on the radio last night?


  • 广播通知我们航班没有

    Has our flight been announced yet?


  • 广播通知我们航班没有

    Has our flight been announced yet?


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