• 咨询医生多少运动

    Consult your doctor about how much exercise you should get.


  • 雇用素不相识三思而行

    You should think twice about employing someone you've never met.


  • 说明书上说我们凝结小时

    The instructions say (that) we should leave it to set for four hours.


  • 私人儿童保育费税前扣除。

    The cost of private childcare should be made tax-deductible.


  • 只有直接引语放在引号内。

    Only direct speech should go inside inverted commas.


  • 申请人通常拥有优秀学位

    Applicants should normally hold a good degree.


  • 我们阶段保持相当广泛讨论

    We shall at this stage keep the discussion fairly general.


  • 多花时间在户外呼吸新鲜空气

    You should spend more time out of doors in the fresh air.


  • 使用信用卡银行支票美元付款

    Payments should be made by credit card or bank cheque in U.S. dollars.


  • 人们减少脂肪摄入量

    People should decrease the amount of fat they eat.


  • 要求老板增加工资吗?

    Should I ask my boss for a rise?


  • 丢失物品上缴这位司机。

    Lost property should be handed to the driver.


  • 使人感到舒适和睦

    A home should be comfortable and friendly.


  • 滑雪者购买保险问题上特别谨慎。

    Skiers should be particularly choosy about the insurance policy they buy.


  • 随时注意个人仪容

    You should always pay attention to personal grooming.


  • 多点到户外透气。

    You should spend more time out of doors.


  • 肥料均匀地混入土壤。

    The manure should be well dug in.


  • 我们针对我们具体情况来讨论这个问题

    We shall discuss the problem as it relates to our specific case.


  • 产品开封后冷藏

    Once opened, this product should be kept refrigerated.


  • 第一缩格

    The first line of each paragraph should be indented.


  • 决定孩子美国接受挽救生命的治疗

    She decided her child should go to America for lifesaving treatment.


  • 身上随时料到有意想不到的事情发生。

    With him, you should always expect the unexpected.


  • 容器小心

    Care should be taken to close the lid securely.


  • 他们往何处

    Whither should they go?


  • 他们等待现在下次选举之间有利时机。

    They should wait for the most propitious moment between now and the next election.


  • 展开平放

    The cloth should be laid flat.


  • 利率下降

    Interest rates should come down.


  • 大家要求这次旅游延长

    By popular demand , the tour has been extended by two weeks.


  • 他们董事长出席宴会

    They attended the dinner at the chairman's invitation.


  • 肯定这些文件放在一起吗?

    Are you sure these documents belong together?


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定