• 上午10:30开门费。

    Gates open at 10:30 a.m. and admission is free.


  • 不能开门—我还穿好衣服

    I can't go to the door—I'm not decent.


  • 听到开门声,汗毛倒竖。

    The hairs on the back of my neck prickled when I heard the door open.


  • 每天早上大约8:30开门

    I open up the store for the day at around 8.30.


  • 消防队员开门,把他们了出来。

    Firefighters burst the door open and rescued them.


  • 开门,一条迎面扑

    I opened the gate, and was immediately set on by a large dog.


  • 霉味了个鬼脸

    Opening the door, she made a face at the musty smell.


  • 那里,冲皱着眉头

    She opened the door and stood there, frowning at me.


  • 店里开门几个顾客在等侯

    Several customers were waiting when I arrived to open up the shop.


  • 这家银行什么时候开门

    What time does the bank open?


  • 一直开门营业。

    I'd been waiting for him to open the shop.


  • 摄像机留在汽车座位无异于开门揖盗

    Leaving your camera on the seat in the car is an open invitation to thieves.


  • 开门—卡死了。

    I can't get the door open—it's completely jammed.


  • 请你开门好吗?

    Would you open the door for me, please?


  • 房间开门

    He leapt across the room to answer the door.


  • 我们不得不砰砰敲打大喊大叫,他们才会开门

    We had to hammer and shout before they would open up.


  • 游泳池刚刚宣布开门游泳的人就急切地跳入

    The pool was declared open and eager swimmers plunged in.


  • 急忙

    She made haste to open the door.


  • 不敢开门

    She was afraid to open the door.


  • 这个店铺每天九点开门营业。

    The shop opens at 9 a.m. every day.


  • 带来了蛋糕开门

    She is bringing cake and wine; open the door.


  • 小羊开门冲了进来。

    The lambs opened the door and the wolf came in.


  • 开门否则当心

    Open, I say, or beware!


  • 现在健身房中午开门

    Now the gym opens at noon.


  • 走了进去。

    She opened the door and went in.


  • 大象先生开门

    Mr. Elephant! Open the door, please!


  • 开门去。——

    Open the door, quick. — Right.


  • 开门吧,回来咧!

    Please open the door, I'm back!


  • 下去开门

    I'll come down to open the door for you.


  • 会试开门

    I will try to open the door.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定