• 拼写能力

    His spelling is very bad.


  • 由于道路这次旅程花费了我们时间

    Since the roads are very bad, the trip took us a long time.


  • 交通状况尤其是市中心

    Traffic is bad, particularly in the city centre.


  • 工作干很差鱿鱼。

    Her work was so poor that she was given the sack.


  • 的方向感快就迷路了。

    He had a poor sense of direction and soon got lost.


  • 他们公共交通条件地区

    They live in an area ill served by public transport.


  • 内心深处知道他表现很差

    He knew in his inmost heart that he was behaving badly.


  • 港口海防工事状况很差

    The harbour's sea defences are in poor condition.


  • 很差语法标点符号使用出名

    He was known for his poor grammar and punctuation.


  • 这个昨天表现很差

    The team played crap yesterday.


  • 认为自己的能力

    She has a very low opinion of her own abilities.


  • 现在公共汽车服务

    The bus service is appalling now.


  • 电话接收效果

    There was very poor reception on my phone.


  • 选择余地小,而且有些产品质量

    The choice is pitiful and the quality of some of the products is very low.


  • 写得很差,使老师们感到十分失望

    My handwriting was the despair of my teachers.


  • 那场音乐会演很差

    The concert was crap.


  • 动手能力很差甚至连架子不会

    He's useless at DIY. He won't even put up a shelf.


  • 觉得这部

    I thought the play was rubbish!


  • 这个味道

    This tastes foul.


  • 发霉食物味道起来也安全

    Moldy food tastes quite bad and it's not safe to eat.


  • 信用记录认为很差

    Her credit history was considered poor.


  • 数学

    I'm bad at maths.


  • 部电影

    That movie is really bad.


  • 英语

    My English is so weak.


  • 很差

    He treats her badly.


  • 艾丽拉拉的好朋友,克拉拉是一个语言能力孩子

    Ally is a buddy for Clara, a kid with very few language skills.


  • 越来越多的频道涌现出来了,可能一些节目质量很差

    When more and more channels spring up, there may be some programs with poor quality.


  • 尽管条件人们还是花了好几个世纪的时间尝试到达北极

    Although conditions were very poor, people tried for many centuries to reach the North Pole.


  • 这个会堂音响效果

    The hall is bad in sound.


  • 有些射手射技很差

    Some marksmen shoot badly.


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