• 人们担心局势恶化全面战争

    There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war.


  • 要是的病情恶化我们医生

    If he gets any worse we'll call the doctor.


  • 健康状况急剧恶化不久便去世了。

    Her health deteriorated rapidly, and she died shortly afterwards.


  • 病情突然急剧恶化

    Her condition took a sharp turn for the worse.


  • 政治局势持续恶化

    The political situation is steadily worsening.


  • 最近恶化貌似没完没了的萧条造成的。

    The recent deterioration has been caused by an apparently endless recession.


  • 症状逐步恶化

    Her symptoms became progressively worse.


  • 局势逐渐恶化

    The situation got steadily worse.


  • 随着家庭情况恶化越来越工作中寻求慰藉

    As the situation at home got worse she increasingly took refuge in her work.


  • 病人情况不但没有好转恶化了。

    The patient was no better but rather grew worse.


  • 他的病情恶化日甚一日

    His condition got worse and worse.; His condition steadily deteriorated.


  • 然而几个健康状况迅速恶化

    However, his health took a rapid turn for the worse several months later.


  • 随着目前经济恶化很多买不起房子

    With the economy becoming worse at present, many people cannot afford a big house.


  • 病情急速恶化

    His condition rapidly worsened.


  • 探索好奇心时,我的病情恶化了。

    While I was exploring my curiosity, my disease got worse.


  • 不敢这么病情恶化时,他总是显得很开心

    He daren't say so, but he always looks cheerful when I am worse.


  • 我们没有人们进行关于这个问题教育而且这个问题还在恶化

    We're not educating people about the problem, and it's getting worse.


  • 紧张缺少睡眠使情况恶化

    Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation.


  • 评论只有使气氛更加恶化

    His comment served only to poison the atmosphere still further.


  • 进一步治疗预防癌症恶化

    Further treatment will prevent cancer from developing.


  • 这种可能导致病情恶化

    The drug may cause an aggravation of the condition.


  • 这场冲突恶化内战成为每个人恶梦

    The conflict degenerating into civil war is everybody's nightmare scenario.


  • 健康状况迅速恶化

    Her health degenerated quickly.


  • 健康状况迅速恶化

    Her health was declining rapidly.


  • 真是难以置信,情况怎么会恶化这种地步

    It beggars belief how things could have got this bad.


  • 由于健康恶化最后几个月公职工作受到了影响。

    His last months in office were marred by failing health.


  • 如果球队本周比赛表现好他们应该能够阻止形势恶化

    The team should manage to stop the rot if they play well this week.


  • 假如有什么事情使关系恶化的话,可能就是他们世界观方面所存在的实质性差异

    If anything sours the relationship, it is likely to be real differences in their world-views.


  • 本来已经很深伤口,再加上不得不箭头更加恶化

    The wound, already deep, was aggravated by the necessary cutting out of the arrow-head.


  • 病人病情恶化了。

    The patient took a turn for the worse.


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