• 计划送交委员会正式批准

    The plan will be submitted to the committee for official approval.


  • 肯定有权批准那种警方突袭行动

    It would certainly be within his power to authorize a police raid like that.


  • 众议院批准一项新的预算方案

    The House of Representatives approved a new budget.


  • 董事会上周一致同意批准了这个项目。

    The board unanimously approved the project last week.


  • 这项计划获得无条件批准

    The plan was approved without qualification.


  • 国务卿有权批准这些提议。

    The Secretary of State has the power to approve the proposals.


  • 允许未经批准乡下到处乱跑

    I will not have you running around the countryside without my authority.


  • 我们希望今天提议将会得到批准

    We hope today's offer will meet with your approval too.


  • 做这件未经校长批准

    It was done without the principal's authority.


  • 工程获得政府批准

    The project has the government's stamp of approval.


  • 宪法要求总统寻求国会军事行动事先批准

    The Constitution requires the president to seek the prior approval of Congress for military action.


  • 篇文章准备好了,可以发表,就等你批准了。

    The article is ready to publish, subject to your approval.


  • 他们支持是以提议得到他们的批准为条件的。

    Their support is conditional on his proposals meeting their approval.


  • 这次旅行未经过批准的,这一点已经非常清楚了。

    It has also been made quite clear that the trip was unauthorized.


  • 市政府官员们刚才体育场的承建工作做了最终批准

    The city fathers have just given final approval to a new stadium.


  • 孟加拉共和国议会今天批准这项政策,没有成为法律

    The Bangladesh Parliament today approved the policy, but it has not yet become law.


  • 寻求计划获得批准纯粹一个形式上问题没有人认真反对的。

    Getting approval for the plan is a purely formal matter; nobody will seriously oppose it.


  • 这个项目现在得到了政府批准

    The project has now received approval from the government.


  • 必须等待这个最终批准

    It has to wait for the state's final approval.


  • 校报改革计划须得到批准

    It is very important for the school newspaper reform plan to meet your approval.


  • 杀死老鼠需要事先批准

    The killing of bad mice requires no prior approval.


  • 计划批准

    The plan has met with approval.


  • 他们批准那家公司生产这种药物。

    They had licensed the firm to produce the drug.


  • 或许现在准备批准使用武力

    He may now be ready to sanction the use of force.


  • 这个条约得到所有成员国批准

    The treaty was ratified by all the member states.


  • 政府拒绝批准进一步降低利率

    The government refused to sanction a further cut in interest rates.


  • 我们工程许可证获得批准

    We're waiting for the building permit to go through.


  • 做出批准发表新的新闻稿

    He gave the okay to issue a new press release.


  • 未经批准不得进入警戒地区

    You may not enter the security area without authorization.


  • 医生批准继续参加比赛了。

    I was given the all clear by the doctor to resume playing.


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