• 提及宗教肯定使感到窘迫

    Mentioning religion is a sure way to make him squirm.


  • 应该避免提及离婚的事。

    You should avoid mentioning his divorce.


  • 提及的前夫有点令人难堪失言

    Mentioning her ex-husband was a bit of a clanger.


  • 请问为什么直到现在提及此事呢?

    Might I enquire why you have not mentioned this until now?


  • 这项声明没有提及政府方面伤亡情况

    The statement made no mention of government casualties.


  • 时期任何文献都没有提及他们的存在

    No reference to their existence appears in any literature of the period.


  • 文件日期可以内战提及推算出来。

    The date of the document can be deduced from references to the Civil War.


  • 这份生平记述对光彩之处略而不表,没有提及监狱的日子。

    This sanitized account of his life does not mention his time in prison.


  • 小说没有直接提及自己的童年

    There is no direct reference to her own childhood in the novel.


  • 文章没有提及

    It is not mentioned in the passage.


  • 提及此事。

    I hesitate to mention it.


  • 现在很好的提及最大关于香料神话

    Now, this is a good point to mention one of the biggest myths about spices.


  • 妻子在场便提及

    Because of his wife('s) being there, I said nothing about it.


  • 任何人都只字不敢提及此事。

    She dared not breathe a word of it to anybody.


  • 后面提及的那一点重要的。

    The latter point is the most important.


  • 我们会晤期间,提及合作意愿

    During our meeting, he indicated his willingness to cooperate.


  • 这个问题以往的讨论已经间接提及

    The problem had been alluded to briefly in earlier discussions.


  • 建议咱们别再提及此事

    I suggest we let the matter drop.


  • 话题工作时被提及

    The subject came up at work.


  • 只是顺便提及

    I mention it only as an aside...


  • 提出一个运动进程很少提及话题

    He brought up a subject rarely raised during the course of this campaign.


  • 我们能否稍微回顾一下刚刚提及中小学教育背景

    Can we just backtrack a little bit and look at your primary and secondary education?


  • 他们开始提及件绯闻本出版物进行法律诉讼。

    They have started legal proceedings against two publications which spoke of an affair.


  • 没关系论文提及的。

    That's fine; you'll note that in your paper.


  • 提及什么学生时,每个人都自己的观点

    When it comes to what makes a good student, everyone may have an opinion.


  • 克制自己,不再提及此事

    He forbears to mention the matter again.


  • 这里提及描述只是一个概述

    The description mentioned here is only an overview.


  • 我们注意刚才提及情况

    A: We have taken note of the situation you mentioned.


  • 相反在不提及上帝自己

    Instead, without reference to God or his Word, be yourself.


  • 产品还有更多这里没有提及特性

    This product has many more features not mentioned here.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定