• 汽车毁了辆面包车尾部

    Her car crashed into the rear of a van.


  • 自己新车毁了。

    He's smashed (up) his new car.


  • 直升飞机两个发动机中的一个突然熄火,直升机地着陆

    The helicopter crash landed when one of its two engines cut out.


  • 穿了一堵木栅栏消失了

    It crashed through a wooden fence and disappeared.


  • 警察开车树上了。

    Two police officers crash their car into a tree.


  • 应该台机器

    You shouldn't bump the machine.


  • 抱歉,我了。

    I'm sorry to bump into you.


  • 他们吗?

    Will you try and bump them?


  • 汽车打滑马路部分塌了。

    The car had skidded across the road and demolished part of the wall.


  • 黑暗我们西蜡烛

    We were stumbling around in the dark looking for a candle.


  • 汽车后面挡泥板瘪了处。

    I got a ding in my rear fender.


  • 那些伤口只能的结果。

    The cuts could only have been made by head-butts.


  • 鹿怦怦跳个不停。

    Her heart had begun to pound inside her chest like a captive animal.


  • 汽车尾部后严重凹陷。

    The back of the car was badly dented in the collision.


  • 汽车前部

    The crash buckled the front of my car.


  • 巴迪彻底毁了

    Buddy totalled his car.


  • 货车树上扁了

    The truck crashed into the tree and concertinaed.


  • 触礁把船舷了。

    The side of the boat was staved in when it hit the rocks.


  • 不是故意的。

    I didn't mean to bang into you.


  • 摸黑跌跌地往前走,全运气对门

    I stumbled along in the dark, trusting to luck to find the right door.


  • 船事件发生世界繁忙船运航道上。

    The collision took place in one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.


  • 外国记者们遭到武警的肢体推被口头驱离

    Foreign journalists were manhandled by armed police, and told to leave.


  • 触礁了。

    The ship broke up on the rocks.


  • 跌跌穿过重重烟雾拖到了安全的地方。

    He stumbled through smoke and fumes to pull her to safety.


  • 公共汽车后面出租车上乘客受了伤

    Two passengers were injured when their taxi was rammed from behind by a bus.


  • 这时彼得跌跌跑进来

    At this moment, Peter came stumbling in.


  • 女儿身亡。

    The impact killed her two-year-old daughter.


  • 心中的恐惧害怕他经历的跌跌可怕

    His fright and terror were still more terrible than his bumps and blows.


  • 标志游戏球道。

    There's a sign at the skittle-alley.


  • 然而这个鸟事件总数

    This under-reports the total number of strikes, however.


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