• 略带旋转地又投掷了回去

    He threw it back again, putting a slight spin on the ball.


  • 飞机失去控制不停旋转

    The plane was spinning out of control.


  • 打出旋转得很厉害。

    She puts a lot of spin on the ball.


  • 人造卫星100分钟地球旋转一圈

    The satellite revolves around the earth once every hundred minutes.


  • 剧院一个旋转舞台

    The theatre has a revolving stage.


  • 因为地球旋转,所以是个完完全全的球体

    Because the earth spins, it is not a perfect sphere.


  • 地球围绕太阳旋转

    The earth rotates around the sun.


  • 这个方向旋转

    It is spinning in this direction.


  • 可以通过定义对象绘制方式旋转正方形

    You can rotate your square by defining how you draw your object.


  • 陀螺旋转

    The top is spinning.


  • 不用担心这里我们只需拉近摄像机旋转就可以了

    No worries there. We just have to close in with the camera and rotate it.


  • 必须冲击的,就是为什么没有旋转介质存在的原因。

    It must also be shock resistant, which is why no spinning media exists.


  • 他们随着音乐节奏旋转起来。

    They began gyrating to the music.


  • 几百在舞厅的舞池旋转

    Several hundred people twirl around the ballroom dance floor.


  • 这个女子开始随着音乐旋转

    The woman began to gyrate to the music.


  • 树叶旋转慢慢飘落地上

    The leaves gyrated slowly to the ground.


  • 牵着旋转

    He held her hand and twirled her around.


  • 快速旋转着手里帽子

    He twirled his hat in his hand.


  • 只需旋转一下那个手柄可以拖把

    Just a twist of the handle is all it takes to wring out the mop.


  • 汤姆舞池的一边旋转一边。

    Tom whirled her across the dance floor.


  • 镜子前立脚尖旋转

    She pirouetted in front of the glass.


  • 他正安妮旋转起舞。

    He was whirling Anne around the floor.


  • 地球围绕太阳旋转

    The earth moves round the sun.


  • 台上转圈,如同旋转舞蹈的托钵僧一样。

    He threw himself around the stage like a whirling dervish.


  • 用单脚尖站立,从舞台的一边旋转到另一边。

    She pirouetted across the stage.


  • 容器一旦会保持关闭直到按顺时针方向旋转

    Once the container is full, it stays shut until you turn it clockwise.


  • 幼小向日葵每天都在旋转摇摆

    Young sunflowers turn and swing every day.


  • 猎犬旋转木马上找到本深奥的

    The hound found a profound book on the roundabout.


  • 男孩子们从不断旋转圈里出来了

    The first to fall out of the moving circle was the boys.


  • 慢慢的,慢慢的,世界旋转积雪重重

    Slowly, slowly, the world was turning, heavy with snow.


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