• 这项研究一些明显实际用途

    There are some obvious practical applications of the research.


  • 雄鸟头上明显的白色斑纹

    The male bird has distinctive white markings on its head.


  • 身高使具有明显的优势

    His height gives him a clear advantage.


  • 托尼个子高是个明显的优势

    Being tall gave Tony a distinct advantage.


  • 明显多数赢得选举

    She won the election by a clear majority.


  • 这些结果政府教育政策明显批评

    The results are a clear comment on government education policy.


  • 越来越明显这个问题不会轻易解决

    It is becoming increasingly clear that this problem will not be easily solved.


  • 日常饮食健康之间有着明显逻辑关联。

    There are obvious continuities between diet and health.


  • 机场经理那次飞机坠毁没有明显原因

    The deputy airport manager said there was no apparent explanation for the crash.


  • 关税其他各种税自由贸易明显障碍

    Duties and taxes are the most obvious barrier to free trade.


  • 明显杀人倾向

    He had clear homicidal tendencies.


  • 明显煤气

    There was a distinct smell of gas.


  • 非常明显的

    It was glaringly obvious.


  • 由于问题带有明显敏感性不肯透露任何细节

    Due to the obvious sensitivity of the issue he would not divulge any details.


  • 上半场比赛还未过半,他们否决了一次明显罚球机会

    They were denied an obvious penalty before the midway point of the first half.


  • 这项研究发现一些酗酒孩童时表现明显个性特征

    The study found that some alcoholics had clear personality traits showing up early in childhood.


  • 东西方文化之间存在明显的差异

    There is an obvious contrast between the eastern culture and the western culture.


  • 日常生活中遗忘其实明显好处

    In daily life, forgetting actually has clear advantages.


  • 明显限制天气条件如云

    The most obvious limitation is weather conditions such as clouds, wind, and rain.


  • 这些就是明显区别

    These are just the obvious differences.


  • 一次明显犯规

    This is an obvious foul.


  • 行星木行星之间明显区别它们大小

    The most obvious difference between the terrestrial and the Jovian planets is their size.


  • 动物攻击另一只动物时,会做出明显攻击行为

    When one animal attacks another, it engages in the most obvious example of aggressive behavior.


  • 尤其对于女性而言超重或者肥胖在职场中一个明显劣势

    Especially for women, there is a clear penalty at work for being overweight or obese.


  • 第二增长对整个教育体制机构绝对规模产生了明显影响

    Second, growth obviously affected the absolute size both of systems and individual institutions.


  • 这个政策明显改变

    This announcement signalled a clear change of policy.


  • 谁也愿意相信明显事实

    Nobody wanted to believe the simple truth.


  • 侵犯财产的数量明显增加

    There has been a marked increase in crimes against property.


  • 脸上留下了明显的疤痕

    His face was badly scarred.


  • 这次提价没有销售产生明显影响

    The price increase has had no perceptible effect on sales.


- 来自原声例句

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