• 合同明确规定可以操作机器

    The contract clearly specifies who can operate the machinery.


  • 报告明确指出问题出在制度上。

    The report states explicitly that the system was to blame.


  • 相信电脑对此给出明确答案

    I daresay that the computer would provide a clear answer to that.


  • 明确乔姆斯基在这干什么重要

    It is important to be clear about what Chomsky is doing here.


  • 现在给予明确答复为时尚早。

    It's too soon to give a definite answer.


  • 明确妻子永远离开

    He had made it clear to his wife that he would never forsake her.


  • 自己未来没有明确计划

    She made no definite plans for her future.


  • 报告中传达信息相当明确

    The report's message was unequivocal.


  • 警察职权必须明确界定

    The powers of the police must be clearly defined.


  • 是非之间没有明确的界限

    There is no clear dividing line between what is good and what is bad.


  • 工作闲暇之间很难划出明确界限

    It was hard to draw clear lines of demarcation between work and leisure.


  • 这种方式不足之处缺乏明确指挥

    The downside of this approach is a lack of clear leadership.


  • 明确表示他没有退出政治舞台意图

    He made it clear he had no intention of withdrawing from the political arena.


  • 我们需要明确今后任务

    We need to define the task ahead very clearly.


  • 明确表示自己立场

    She has made her position very clear.


  • 公司关于加班立场合同明确说明。

    The company's position with regard to overtime is made clear in their contracts.


  • 关于如何培养孩子他们非常明确想法

    They have very definite ideas on how to bring up children.


  • 明确表示反对

    She made her objections clear.


  • 明确表示反对

    He made it clear that he objected.


  • 我们一个明确目标

    We are looking for somebody with a clear sense of direction.


  • 明年计划不怎么明确

    She's a little vague about her plans for next year.


  • 总统已经明确表示,反对此事

    The president has let it be known that he is against it.


  • 明确告诉过不要靠近水边

    I specifically told you not to go near the water!


  • 必须理解位置明确

    You must understand the ambiguity of my position.


  • 只有一位目击者能够明确指认。

    Only one witness could make a positive identification.


  • 当时没有明确而具体证据

    I had no concrete evidence.


  • 明确表示金表留给

    It was his express wish that you should have his gold watch after he died.


  • 他们保持中立拒绝明确表态

    They are sitting on the fence and refusing to commit themselves.


  • 明确表示自己以前从未见过

    She swore (that) she'd never seen him before.


  • 城市里社会阶层明确分野

    Social divisions in the city are stark.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定