• 后来狗屎不如”。

    She later said the book was "crap."


  • 有关小孩怎样学习的。

    The book is about how children learn.


  • 觉得歪曲了观点

    He felt that the book misrepresented his opinions.


  • 本书旨在全面介绍这大学。

    The purpose of the book is to provide a complete guide to the university.


  • 这个电影脚本本书合成。

    The film script is an amalgam of all three books.


  • 本书根据个人经历写成的。

    The book is based on personal experience.


  • 分析贫困及其原因

    The book is an analysis of poverty and its causes.


  • 并未自封文学杰作

    The book doesn't pretend to be a great work of literature.


  • 披露了好莱坞内幕

    This book gives you the skinny on Hollywood.


  • 的文体适合儿童阅读

    The book was written in a style appropriate to the age of the children.


  • 差不多已经读完了。

    I've more or less finished the book.


  • 受到公众盲目崇拜。

    The book was received with adulation by the public.


  • 以后看吗?

    When you've finished with the book, can I see it?


  • 25研究结晶。

    This book is the result of 25 years of research.


  • 我们毕业那年学了本书

    We studied that book in matric.


  • 本书配有精美的插图

    Each book is beautifully illustrated.


  • 图片使得本书生动有趣

    The pictures bring the book alive.


  • 本书手中成了碎片。

    The book fell to bits in my hands.


  • 本书后请传给

    Pass the book on to me when you've finished with it.


  • 唤起童年记忆

    The book summoned up memories of my childhood.


  • 手中散开了。

    The book just came apart in my hands.


  • 认为腐蚀儿童

    In my view this book would deprave young children.


  • 多年研究成果

    The book is the fruit of years of research.


  • 我们仍然进货

    We're still waiting for copies of the book to come in.


  • 喜欢本书哪本。

    Take any book you like.


  • 本书读多少呢。

    I haven't got very far with the book I'm reading.


  • 事实虚构并存

    The book intermingles fact with fiction.


  • 事实虚构并存

    The book intermingles fact and fiction.


  • 保证了成功

    The book ensured his success.


  • 迅速读完本书

    I read the book at a gallop.


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