• 这家旅馆根本便宜

    The hotel was anything but cheap.


  • 抱怨毫无用处他们根本不

    It's no good complainingthey never listen.


  • 根本同情你自己。

    I have no sympathyyou brought it all on yourself.


  • 悲观根本可能取得成功

    Cynics will say that there is not the slightest chance of success.


  • 尽量和气根本不答理

    I tried to be friendly, but she snubbed me completely.


  • 感到根本能胜任这工作

    He felt totally out of his depth in his new job.


  • 根本可能本周末之前完成

    It's physically impossible to finish by the end of the week.


  • 根本不可能找到。

    You won't find it, not in a month of Sundays.


  • 人格担保我根本不知道这件

    I swear on my honour that I knew nothing about this.


  • 根本知道我下周在什么地方

    I can't say with any certainty where I'll be next week.


  • 根本不知道作何反应

    You never know how he is going to react.


  • 那种托词根本信服。

    That excuse simply won't wash with me.


  • 根本在乎尼科尔

    I don't give a damn about the money, Nicole.


  • 网球根本对手

    I was no match for him at tennis.


  • 解决这个问题三种根本方法

    There are three essentially different ways of tackling the problem.


  • 根本封短信意思。

    I can't make anything of this note.


  • 现在年轻人根本讲道德

    Young people these days have no morals.


  • 试图说明一下原因根本

    She tried to explain but he wouldn't listen.


  • 真地根本可能回答那个问题。

    No I really can't possibly answer that!


  • 延迟午夜的最后期限根本可能

    It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline.


  • 沃德先生根本是个无赖。

    Mr. Ward wasn't a rogue at all.


  • 看上去根本不匹马

    It looks nothing like a horse.


  • 说的情况根本情理

    His story just doesn't add up.


  • 怪罪当时根本在场

    You can't pin this one on meI wasn't even there!


  • 根本胜任这项工作。

    She was totally unsuited for the job.


  • 根本这样意思。

    I would never suggest such a thing.


  • 根本尊重感受

    He has no respect for her feelings.


  • 安全标准根本不管用了。

    Safety standards have gone down the drain.


  • 卫生根本存在:没有自来水,没有浴室。

    Hygiene was nonexistent: no running water, no bathroom.


  • 委员会这个问题了解根本不了解。

    The committee has little or no understanding of the problem.


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