• 他们发生的事的记忆变得模糊了。

    Their memory of what happened has dimmed.


  • 厄尼看到了罗斯坐在椅子里模糊身影

    Ernie saw the dim figure of Rose in the chair.


  • 他们对于可用水量只有一点模糊了解

    They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available.


  • 在这个问题上措词模糊

    The phrasing of the question was vague.


  • 总统国家希望虽然高尚,模糊

    The president's hopes for the country were high-minded, but too vague.


  • 对于可能发生只有一个模糊概念

    She had only a vague notion of what might happen.


  • 远处辆公共汽车只是一个模糊不清轮廓

    The bus was a vague shape in the distance.


  • 朱迪斯能够模糊记得母亲当时正躺沙发上

    Judith could vaguely remember her mother lying on the sofa.


  • 一直着眼镜,以防视力模糊

    He kept the glasses in case his vision should ever become dim.


  • 伤害这样模糊

    A word such as "harm" is vague.


  • 上那封信白色模糊了。

    The white of two letters in her lap grew indistinct.


  • 这个女人身后背景模糊

    The background behind the woman is pretty vague.


  • 一种模糊罪恶感因为没有在集中注意力。

    You have a vague sense of guilt that you aren't paying close attention.


  • 上图几乎模糊黄色斑块一个完整星系

    Almost every fuzzy yellow patch in the above image is an entire galaxy.


  • 那天发生只剩模糊的记忆。

    The events of that day were just a blur.


  • 他们隐约认出前面模糊人影。

    They made out a shadowy form in front of them.


  • 摘掉眼镜什么都变得模糊不清

    Everything is a blur when I take my glasses off.


  • 受害者面部图像模糊处理

    The victim's face was blotted out by a camera blur.


  • 历史故事界限一直模糊不清

    The boundaries between history and storytelling are always being blurred and muddled.


  • 模糊看见门口有个人影

    I could see a dim shape in the doorway.


  • 种种疑问开始使思路模糊了。

    Doubts were beginning to cloud my mind.


  • 视力已经变得非常模糊

    My vision has grown so hazy.


  • 水蒸气使镜子变得模糊不清

    Steam had clouded the mirror.


  • 艺术生活之间差别似乎变得模糊不清

    The differences between art and life seem to have blurred.


  • 模糊意识到生活不会和过去一样了。

    Her life would never be the same again, she realized numbly.


  • 但是不要图表因为使要点模糊不清。

    Do not draw it on the chart, however, as this will confuse the issue.


  • 枚邮票模糊的暗蓝色,上面盖着一个黑色邮戳

    The stamp was a dark, dull blue colour with a heavy black postmark.


  • 善恶分界线开始变得模糊

    The line between good and evil is beginning to blur.


  • 远处传来一阵模糊不清喊叫声

    There was a sound like the faintest, far-off shout.


  • 孩子们获取知识方式天生模糊的。

    Children naturally have a blurred approach to acquiring knowledge.


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