• 毯子孩子得严严实实。

    She muffled the child up in a blanket.


  • 毯子折叠起来给枕头

    She doubled the blanket and put it under his head.


  • 看到毯子露出杂志一角

    He saw the corner of a magazine sticking out from under the blanket.


  • 的身形一动不动地躺毯子下面。

    His form lay still under the blankets.


  • 毯子睡着了的孩子身上。

    He put a blanket over the sleeping child.


  • 一张小木床毯子

    He was given only a wooden pallet with a blanket.


  • 地板盖着毯子缩成一团

    I huddled under a blanket on the floor.


  • 我们毯子紧贴着身子睡在一起

    We cuddled up together under the blanket.


  • 毯子让你睡觉时感觉更温暖舒适

    The blanket will provide additional warmth and comfort in bed.


  • 当时毯子坐在把扶手椅里

    She was sitting in an armchair with blankets wrapped around her.


  • 轻轻地婴儿毯子里。

    She gently folded the baby in a blanket.


  • 毯子婴儿了起来。

    I wrapped the baby (up) in a blanket.


  • 那些毯子缎子包边的。

    The blankets were bound with satin.


  • 裹了毯子,又给了她一杯热饮。

    I bundled her up in a blanket and gave her a hot drink.


  • 毯子婴儿起来。

    She folded a blanket around the baby.


  • 毯子婴儿裹了起来

    I wrapped a blanket around the baby.


  • 他用毯子盖住具一动不动尸体

    He covered the inert body with a blanket.


  • 熟睡孩子毯子

    She put a blanket over the sleeping child.


  • 试图毯子扑灭

    He tried to smother the flames with a blanket.


  • 自己裹毯子里。

    He rolled himself up in the blanket.


  • 毯子盖在身体上以遮住他的裸体。

    He had pulled the blanket over his body to hide his nakedness.


  • 放在沙发上安顿好,给她了一毯子

    I settled her on the sofa and put a blanket over her.


  • 他们温暖舒服的毯子中,看着姐姐辛苦地干活

    They lay snug and warm amid the blankets and watched their sister hard at work.


  • 很多儿童一些诸如毯子柔软玩具这样没有生命的物品产生依恋

    Many children become attached to some inanimate object, such as a blanket or soft toy.


  • 高兴因为毯子

    I am glad to have it, for my blanket is very thin.


  • 毯子能把全部蒙上。

    The blanket did not completely cover the bed.


  • 毯子条纹绿色的。

    The stripes on her blanket were green.


  • 要是觉得冷的话,衣柜毯子

    I have a blanket in the closet if you get cold.


  • 光是这个词这个想法,就五十毯子

    The word and the thought alone were worth fifty blankets.


  • 位女士穿着袍。其他人只是围着毯子

    One lady had a bathrobe around her. Others just had blankets around them.


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