• 时间流行风格柔和浪漫

    This season's look is soft and romantic.


  • 我们刚刚萌发浪漫爱情结束了

    Our budding romance was over.


  • 时而来点儿浪漫每个人都好处。

    A dollop of romance now and then is good for everybody.


  • 他们演唱了一首缓慢浪漫歌曲。

    They sang a slow romantic number.


  • 是个无可救药浪漫主义者

    You're a hopeless romantic.


  • 罗马寻求浪漫最佳地点

    Rome is the perfect setting for romance.


  • 没有什么比烛光更能营造浪漫氛围了。

    There's nothing like candlelight for creating a romantic mood.


  • 灯光暗淡,弥漫浪漫情调

    The lights were low and romance was in the air.


  • 骨子里一位浪漫人,渴望历险

    He was a romantic at heart and longed for adventure.


  • 浪漫回归;现实已过时

    Romance is making a comeback. Reality is out.


  • 这部电影一个浪漫喜剧

    The movie is a romantic comedy.


  • 西尔维是个天真浪漫的人

    Sylvie was a simple-minded romantic.


  • 风儿在唱歌巧妙比喻很有浪漫色彩

    The idea of the wind singing is a romantic conceit.


  • 马拉喀什剧场浪漫异国情调迷住了。

    I was beguiled by the romance and exotic atmosphere of the souks in Marrakech.


  • 可怜的威利是个无可救药浪漫主义者

    Poor old Willy is an incurable romantic.


  • 威尼斯浪漫之旅重新燃起他们的激情

    Their passion was reignited by a romantic trip to Venice.


  • 因为现在大失所望过去浪漫化了。

    He romanticized the past as he became disillusioned with his present.


  • 部电影粗俗幽默浪漫故事结合在一起。

    The movie mixes broad humor with romance.


  • 就是一年当中将想法变为浪漫殷勤时候

    It's that time of year, when thoughts turn to romance and gallantry.


  • 有种浪漫气氛

    There's romance in the air.


  • 认为是这座城市里最有浪漫情调餐厅之一。

    It is considered one of the most romantic restaurants in the city.


  • 为什么从来不送花真希望浪漫一点

    Why don't you ever give me flowers? I wish you'd be more romantic.


  • 雷恩先生电影街头生活表现为一种高度浪漫化。

    Mr. Lane's film takes a highly romanticized view of life on the streets.


  • 纯属浪漫

    He was romantic with a capital R.


  • 浪漫小说家成功关键在于自己故事绝对信念

    The key to success as a romantic novelist is absolute belief in your story.


  • 泰姬陵一个非常浪漫地方

    The Taj Mahal was a very romantic place.


  • 不想有什么浪漫的事发生

    I want nothing romantic.


  • 外星生命浪漫天堂

    It is a paradise of romance for alien life.


  • 很喜欢浪漫但是我却不会制造浪漫

    I like romance, but I am not romantic.


  • 激情通往浪漫动力

    Passion is the drive that leads to romance.


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