• 尸体塑料布。

    He pulled the plastic covering off the dead body.


  • 一下,开了

    She gave the lid another twist and it came off.


  • 可惜后备箱时,里面空的

    Sadly when the lid of the boot sprang open, it was empty.


  • 手指抬起来去在他左眼上的眼罩

    His finger went up to touch the black patch which covered his left eye.


  • 容器小心

    Care should be taken to close the lid securely.


  • 这个东西的玻璃用活动接头从中间接起来

    The glass cover for this is jointed in the middle.


  • 加完之后,一定拧紧

    When you are finished filling up, be sure you tighten your gas cap.


  • 这个房子什么时候的?

    When was this house built?


  • 他们把一面国旗男孩身上露出

    They covered the boy's body with a national flag, leaving only his face exposed.


  • 是有帮助的,因为塑料使邮票远离潮湿空气

    This helps because the plastic cover keeps the stamps off the wet air.


  • 毯子睡着了的孩子身上。

    He put a blanket over the sleeping child.


  • 职业生涯始于科尔大学

    His professional career started at Colgate University.


  • 地板着毯子缩成一团

    I huddled under a blanket on the floor.


  • 我们着毯子紧贴着身子睡在一起

    We cuddled up together under the blanket.


  • 把瓶子拧上儿,搁架

    I screwed up the jar and put it back on the shelf.


  • 的思绪猛地回到现在

    Guy wrenched his mind back to the present.


  • 喜欢各种音乐歌剧都喜欢。

    I like all kinds of music from opera to reggae.


  • 拔出来,块药棉针眼上。

    He withdrew the needle and placed a pad of cotton over the spot.


  • 粗暴地扯耳朵

    He tweaked Guy's ear roughly.


  • 他们竭力自己的声音人群喧闹声

    They tried to make themselves heard over the din of the crowd.


  • 大蒜味道过了肉味

    The flavour of the garlic overpowered the meat.


  • 毯子身体上以遮住他的裸体。

    He had pulled the blanket over his body to hide his nakedness.


  • 大声打了个喷嚏,然后了声“对不起”。

    Guy sneezed loudly. 'Excuse me,' he said.


  • 枚邮票模糊的暗蓝色,上面一个黑色邮戳

    The stamp was a dark, dull blue colour with a heavy black postmark.


  • 辆警车追踪汽车12英里,在恩斯堡附近得走投无路。

    A police motorcycle chased his car twelve miles, and cornered him near Gainsborough.


  • 拉链齿露在外面,不要

    I want the zipper teeth to show no flap.


  • 第二小猪屋子树枝

    The second little pig's house is made of sticks.


  • 请你打开引擎检查一下,好吗?

    Would you please check under the hood?


  • 首先二月革命六月革命过了风头。

    First, the insurrection of February has been overshadowed by that of June.


  • 群者成了哈罗特名下土地一部分

    The Stray became part of the land owned by Harrogate.


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