• 私人利益不得置于公众利益之上

    Private interest was not allowed to predominate over the public good.


  • 私人治疗费用高得负担不起

    The cost of private treatment can be prohibitive.


  • 最好通过私人介绍寻找施工人员

    It's best to find a builder through personal recommendation.


  • 他们想要私人财产更多国家控制

    They want more state control over private property.


  • 私人儿童保育费税前扣除。

    The cost of private childcare should be made tax-deductible.


  • 私人教练一起健身房

    She went to the gym with her personal trainer.


  • 办公室视为私人领地

    She considers the office as her own private fiefdom.


  • 工作介于秘书私人助理之间。

    My job is somewhere between a secretary and a personal assistant.


  • 他们正在擅自闯入私人领地。

    They were trespassing on private property.


  • 双方都偷窃对方私人信件

    Each side purloins the other's private letters.


  • 吉姆私人包厢里观看比赛

    Jim watched the game from a private box.


  • 那些都是父亲私人文件

    Those are my father's private papers.


  • 秘书确切地讲,私人助理

    She worked as a secretary, or rather, a personal assistant.


  • 一家私人保安公司工作

    He works for a private security outfit.


  • 餐饮特许经营权授予一家私人公司

    Catering has been franchised (out) to a private company.


  • 这家博物馆私人提供资金

    The museum is privately funded.


  • 私人侦探几个星期一直跟踪他们

    A private detective had been tailing them for several weeks.


  • 标注着“私人”字样。

    The letter was marked 'Personal'.


  • 幅画来自私人收藏

    The painting comes from his private collection.


  • 当然纯属私人信件,务须保密

    My letter is, of course, strictly private and confidential.


  • 这里私人土地滚开

    This is private land, so beat it!


  • 擅闯私人土地

    He told me I was trespassing on private land.


  • 藏起了私人文件

    I keep my private papers hidden.


  • 记住私人信函套用信函要有分量

    Remember: personal letters carry much more weight than form letters.


  • 自信就是放宽心爱人足够私人空间

    Self-confidence means being relaxed enough to allow your lover their personal space.


  • 委员会由政府私人部门双方代表组成。

    The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors.


  • 一封私人来信往往使一天心情愉快。

    A personal letter will usually brighten up a person's day.


  • 现在只当私人教师

    She now teaches only private pupils.


  • 私人行医的问题不敢苟同观点

    I don't go along with her views on private medicine.


  • 成功外表下面却隐藏着悲惨私人生活

    Beneath the gloss of success was a tragic private life.


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