• 萨姆乡下出生特别喜爱大自然

    Sam was born in the country and had a deep affinity with nature.


  • 萨姆反驳同样

    Sam retorted that it was my fault as much as his.


  • 萨姆纽约非常寂寞

    Sam was very lonely when he first moved to New York.


  • 萨姆舒适地枕着枕头睡着了。

    Sam snuggled down in his pillow and fell asleep.


  • 可以顺便看望一下萨姆吗?

    Could I look in on Sam?


  • 萨姆说:“咱们假装的游戏吧。”

    'Let's play make-believe,' said Sam.


  • 记得好像萨姆一些

    I seem to remember that Sam told a number of lies.


  • 萨姆探出身子打开车门

    Sam leaned over to open the door of the car.


  • 萨姆车门夹住了手指

    Sam shut his finger in the car door.


  • 萨姆工作全身心投入,”麦克沃特

    "Sam was married to his job," McWhorter said.


  • 萨姆气得直跺脚。

    Sam stamped his foot in anger.


  • 萨姆一张大嘴

    Sam has a wide mouth.


  • 萨姆

    He said (that) his name was Sam.


  • 萨姆年级

    Sam is in (the) second grade.


  • 昨天下午看见萨姆大卫操场上。

    I saw Sam and David in the playground yesterday afternoon.


  • 知道萨姆拒绝了一家旅行社工作机会吗?

    Do you know that Sam turned down that job offer by a travel agency?


  • 萨姆得到工作几乎不出来了。

    I could hardly recognize Sam after he got that new job.


  • 萨姆下楼来。

    Sam, come downstairs, please.


  • 今天学校萨姆吗?

    Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today?


  • 萨姆点燃炉火欢迎我们回家

    Sam had lit a fire to welcome us home.


  • 法官下令立即杀掉他们萨姆森。

    The judge ordered their dog Samson to be put down immediately.


  • 萨姆不让步,遭到击,把打昏了

    Sam stood his ground and got a blow that stunned him.


  • 发现忘掉萨姆容易

    I found it very easy to forget about Sumner.


  • 萨姆吗?谈谈

    Is Sam there? Let me talk to him.


  • 医院萨姆纳的问题生理原因

    The county hospital could find no physical cause for Sumner's problems.


  • 名单中接下来两位萨姆亨利

    Sam and Henry are next on the list.


  • 那边那个留着胡子的人萨姆

    The man with a beard over there is Sam.


  • 萨姆叔叔总是孩子们的欢迎。

    Uncle Sam is always popular with children.


  • 萨姆中学还是大学里学习

    Are Sam and Ann in high school or in college?


  • 萨姆芝加哥的一名建筑师

    Sam is an architect in Chicago.


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