• 这个问题没有简单解决办法。

    There's no simple solution to this problem.


  • 这个问题尚无公认解决办法。

    There's no obvious solution to the problem.


  • 正在努力通过外交途径解决争端

    Attempts are being made to settle the dispute by diplomatic means.


  • 尽了最大的努力解决这个问题

    She tried her best to solve the problem.


  • 他们的问题只能折衷态度解决

    Their problem can only be solved in a spirit of compromise.


  • 正在办法解决废物处理问题

    Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal.


  • 找到和平解决方案的前景渺茫

    The prospects for a peaceful solution are dim.


  • 他们受托解决重大国家问题

    They can be entrusted to solve major national problems.


  • 他们没有诉诸武力解决了问题。

    They were able to achieve a settlement without using military force.


  • 没有唇枪舌剑,这场纠纷就解决

    The dispute was settled without acrimony.


  • 政府正在不断敦促早日解决这起纠纷。

    The government is pressing for an early resolution of the dispute.


  • 我们必须彻底解决这件事情

    We have to resolve this matter once and for all.


  • 事后得到彻底解决

    The matter was not finally settled until later.


  • 我们需要一次解决

    We need to settle this once and for all.


  • 资方没有采取任何措施解决罢工问题。

    The management have made no move to settle the strike.


  • 实际上可以说解决了。

    The matter is as good as settled.


  • 警察解决家庭纠纷

    The police were called to sort out a domestic.


  • 依靠帮忙解决问题

    She leaned on him to help her to solve her problems.


  • 双方承诺和平解决争端。

    Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully.


  • 他们希望和平解决争端

    They hope for a peaceful settlement of the dispute.


  • 和平解决线希望

    There was a gleam of hope for a peaceful settlement.


  • 有没有别的解决办法

    Do you have an alternative solution?


  • 更好的解决办法吗?

    Do you have a better solution?


  • 解决任何问题

    It isn't going to solve a single thing.


  • 解决问题的高手。

    She's a good problem solver.


  • 解决办法时日

    A solution is still some way off.


  • 我们必须设法解决交通污染问题

    We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution.


  • 他们问题留给体制设法解决

    They leave it to the system to try and take care of the problem.


  • 简要叙述解决问题计划

    She sketched out her plan for tackling the problem.


  • 简要叙述解决问题计划

    She sketched out her plan for tackling the problem.


- 来自原声例句

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