• 周日评论文学编辑

    She's the literary editor of the "Sunday Review."


  • 利奇先生休假没空评论

    Mr. Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment.


  • 评论越来越感到恼火。

    She was getting more and more irritated at his comments.


  • 评论逼近真相,令人局促不安。

    Her comment was uncomfortably close to the truth.


  • 评论不知说什么才好

    His comments left me at a loss for words.


  • 发生灾难原因评论

    Have you any comment to make about the cause of the disaster?


  • 评论只是问题得更加复杂。

    His comments only served to confuse the issue further.


  • 儿子评论深深地刺伤了。

    He was deeply wounded by his son's comments.


  • 新书负面评论使难过

    The bad reviews of her new book were very hurtful to her.


  • 评论看成主席冒犯

    His comments were seen as an insult to the president.


  • 评论只有使气氛更加恶化。

    His comment served only to poison the atmosphere still further.


  • 天气作了一番枯燥的评论

    She made a vapid comment about the weather.


  • 那位参议员评论震惊

    I am astounded at the comments made by the Senator.


  • 这个阶段发表评论并不恰当

    It would be improper to comment at this stage.


  • 评论刊登今天报纸上。

    The review is in today's paper.


  • 拒绝那样评论作出反应

    I refuse to rise to that sort of comment.


  • 参议员回答不宜发表评论

    The senator replied that he was not in a position to comment.


  • 全国性报纸都这部戏剧作了评论

    The play was reviewed in the national newspapers.


  • 政府官员不想公开这些评论

    Government officials do not want these comments in the open.


  • 旁边那位愚蠢评论起来

    The person next to me piped up with a silly comment.


  • 评论立即新闻界揪住

    His comments were pounced upon by the press.


  • 作者书里某些评论淡然处之

    The author distanced himself from some of the comments in his book.


  • 评论严重触怒众多单身母亲

    His comments were deeply offensive to a large number of single mothers.


  • 中场休息时听到比赛评论

    You can hear commentary on the game at halftime.


  • 觉得无法他们的决定作出评论

    I don't feel I can comment on their decision.


  • 首相评论即将酝酿出一场政治风暴

    A political storm is brewing over the Prime Minister's comments.


  • 部长无法接受访问作出评论

    The minister was unavailable for comment.


  • 这种评论简直自找麻烦

    Such comments are just inviting trouble.


  • 看到全部相关资料之前拒绝评论

    He refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant information.


  • 我们学习怎样评论诗歌

    We were taught how to criticize poems.


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