• 适应而且没有什么社交风度

    She didn't fit in and she had few social graces.


  • 电子传感器改装适应新生儿

    The electronic sensor has been adapted to fit on a newborn baby.


  • 了好一阵子适应环境

    It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings.


  • 适应环境速度之快真是惊人。

    It's amazing how quickly people adapt.


  • 我们不得不迅速适应制度

    We have had to adapt quickly to the new system.


  • 需要适应新的时间表

    I needed to accommodate to the new schedule.


  • 成功企业对于经济转变适应能力很强

    Successful businesses are highly adaptable to economic change.


  • 较年长工人适应能力学习速度有时并不亚于其他任何人。

    Older workers can be as adaptable and quick to learn as anyone else.


  • 有些学生觉得很难适应新的环境

    Some students find it hard to accommodate themselves to the new environment.


  • 项目所在的地理区域适应

    The project adapted to its geographical area.


  • 一种基本适应伪装

    One of its adaptations is basically camouflage.


  • 正如所记得的,适应任何特征

    As you recall, an adaptation is any feature.


  • 我们可以适应我们必须现在就开始

    We can adapt, but we have to start now.


  • 我们几个特别适应极端条件模型

    We have several models that are especially adaptive for extreme conditions.


  • 工业文明适应新的知识

    Industrial civilization adapts to new knowledge.


  • 可能会使人们觉得他们应该适应外面世界

    It may make people feel that they ought to fit in with the outside world.


  • 此外没有证据表明我们这种噪音适应性。

    Moreover, there was no evidence of adaptability to the noise.


  • 适应了。

    I'm afraid I won't fit in.


  • 在努力适应婚姻失败事实。

    She is still coming to terms with the failure of her marriage.


  • 出狱生活需要慢慢适应了。

    Life on the outside took some getting used to again.


  • 起初觉得累,不久便适应了。

    I found it tiring to begin with but I soon got used to it.


  • 段时间适应独自生活

    It took her a while to adjust to living alone.


  • 又一不得不重新适应单独居住

    Once again he had to readjust to living alone.


  • 家庭孩子适应社会重要作用

    The family has the important function of socializing children.


  • 现在我们已经适应车辆往来噪音

    We're used to the noise from the traffic now.


  • 在学着适应作为母亲角色

    She's still growing into her new role as a mother.


  • 好几分钟眼睛适应黑暗

    It took a few moments for her eyes to focus in the dark.


  • 的眼睛慢慢适应黑暗

    My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark.


  • 怎么适应大学生活的?

    How did you adjust to college life?


  • 需要时间适应新的吃法

    You will need the time to orient yourself to your new way of eating.


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