• 声称完全一个针对阴谋

    He claimed that it was all a conspiracy against him.


  • 辱骂针对电视台工作人员的。

    The abuse was directed at the TV crews.


  • 音乐商业化针对是一般大众

    His music is commercial. It is aimed at the masses.


  • 一项针对那家杂志的诽谤诉讼待处理

    She had a libel action against the magazine pending.


  • 公司还有针对小企业网页条服务热线

    The company also has a Web page for small businesses and a hotline.


  • 与他分居的妻子已经获得了针对限制令。

    His estranged wife had taken out a restraining order against him.


  • 护士出身现在经营着一家针对女性的咨询服务公司。

    She's a nurse by profession and now runs a counselling service for women.


  • 传达的信息针对以色列政坛尚未表态中间派。

    His message was aimed at the undecided middle ground of Israeli politics.


  • 反对党现在似乎弱小,无力针对政府组织什么重大抗议

    The opposition now seems too weak to stage any serious protests against the government.


  • 位发言人这些变动不是针对公司最近损失而作出反应

    A spokesman said the changes were not in reaction to the company's recent losses.


  • 我们怎么知道针对我们航空公司罢工呢?

    How could we've known there would be a strike against our airline?


  • 布什周三晚上电视讲话中阐述针对伊拉克的政策

    Bush will lay out his new policy for Iraq Wednesday night in a TV speech.


  • 我们没有专门针对学校孩子

    We haven't specifically targeted school children.


  • 问题没有针对任何个人

    She directed the question at no one in particular.


  • 这个宣传计划显然针对青年人的。

    The campaign is clearly targeted at the young.


  • 几乎相信这个问题针对的。

    She could hardly believe the question was directed toward her.


  • 专门针对颈部肩部锻炼

    I do special neck and shoulder exercises.


  • 参加针对难民的社会救济工作

    She became involved in social and relief work among the refugees.


  • 我们作泛泛的批评,不要针对个人

    Let's keep the criticism general and impersonal.


  • 大多数贸易研究一直都是针对某个国家

    Most studies of trade have been country-specific.


  • 我们针对我们具体情况来讨论这个问题

    We shall discuss the problem as it relates to our specific case.


  • 斯托达特容忍针对个人无论多少批评

    Stoddart can stand any amount of personal criticism.


  • 喜欢针对一位崇拜者的来信,亲自予以回复

    She prefers to answer any fan mail herself for a more personal touch.


  • 针对腿部做的推拿治疗对我的关节炎大有帮助

    The way he can manipulate my leg has helped my arthritis so much.


  • 行动针对公众日益增长对该疾病传播担忧而采取的。

    The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease.


  • 他们能够进行针对活动欺骗人们

    They're able to carry out individually targeted campaigns to cheat people.


  • 专门针对男孩的。

    It was specifically targeted at boys.


  • 他们得到意义性,更少针对广告

    They'll get less meaningful, less targeted ads.


  • 我们必须为时已晚之前针对这个问题采取措施。

    We need to do something about the problem before it's too late.


  • 针对这个问题,有人提出使用自动化公路系统作为解决方案

    One proposed solution to this problem is the automated highway system.


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