We'd like you to execute the first order by the 31st.
We'd like you to execute the first order by the 31 st.
Whether you order by the number of goods, we will use the most honest attitude for you.
We are canvassing for an order. We will be able to build up a good order by the end of this month.
This cult and its various rites were later extended and given a definite order by the priestly class of the Magi.
If you add an order by clause, to order by the extracted city value, the result set still remains the same: Paris, Paris, and Paris are treated as the same value.
如果通过添加order BY子句按提取的city值排序,那么结果集仍然是相同的:paris、paris和paris被当作相同的值。
The order by posted desc clause forces the query to return rows in descending order by the date in the posted column (which is the date that the article was posted on the Web site).
order byposteddesc子句强迫此查询按posted列中的日期(即文章发布到Web站点的日期)的降序返回行。
Unless otherwise specifically agreed in Writing, any offer and/or acceptance of an Order by the Translator shall be deemed to constitute an acceptance of and agreement to comply with these Conditions.
The order of play is decided by the roll of a dice.
By now, in our time, however, the power of religion has faded, and for many, the basis of modern political and moral order has been demolished.
Reversing the usual order, they were first worn by women, and then adopted by men.
The steady deterioration of the very climate of this very planet is becoming a war of the first order, and by any measure, the U.S. is losing.
The commonly expected order of military revival followed by economic and then by cultural recovery was reversed in Byzantium.
The curving glass wall was made to order by Jeff Bell.
The commission telegraphed its decision earlier this month by telling an official to prepare the order.
He sent the order by messenger.
The engine is gulping two tons of fuel an hour in order to make New Orleans by nightfall.
Interest rates can be controlled by order of the central bank.
All the other ingredients, including water, have to be listed in descending order by weight.
U.S. forces are fully prepared for the execution of any action once the order is given by the president.
The toys are available by mail order from Opi Toys.
Payments must be made in U.S. dollars by a bank draft drawn to the order of the United Nations Postal Administration.
Motorists would rather pay more tax than lose the place in the corporate pecking order conferred on them by their company cars.
It is probable that the notes you make will be in chronological order, and will reflect roughly the amount said by each member.
It is probable that the notes you make will be in chronological order, and will reflect roughly the amount said by each member.
It is probable that the notes you make will be in chronological order, and will reflect roughly the amount said by each member.