After receiving the production order, the BPEL engine executes all the steps of the merged production workflow, which I discuss in a moment.
It is also important to note that throughout this process, the accounting systems are receiving updates as to where the order is and the cost incurred at each step of the process.
A merchant will want to know that he is receiving a valid order from a customer, and so will insist on some form of acceptable authentication.
Leslie: We could ship your order within ten days of receiving your payment.
In order to be transparent, you need to make sure that you have a clear line of communication with the clients receiving your code.
On receiving this signed order, the online-trade server needs to validate the uniqueness of the nonce and check whether its identity is specified as the intended recipient.
Of course, in order for this new technology to work, you have to have devices capable of receiving the signal.
An option that refers to a packet at the end of the queue may require a full list traversal by the receiving TCP stack in order to identify which packet the option refers to.
The seats were be distributed by order of email receiving.
The WS-Routing receiver should inspect the path element upon receiving the message in order to verify that it is in fact the intended recipient of the message.
WS - Routing接收方应该一接收到消息就检查path元素,以验证它确实是消息的指定接收方。
The order process Subsystem is responsible for receiving requests to process groups of customer orders and then forwarding the orders to other services.
The seats were be distributed by order of email receiving after the first payment.
To be sure of receiving the goods when you want them, you should order them five days ahead of time.
Leslie: : We could ship your order within ten days of receiving your payment.
If a party is not satisfied with the order, he may apply for reconsideration once within five days of the date of receiving the written order.
Your order is receiving our immediate attention and we will keep you informed of the progress.
Your order is receiving our immediate attention and we will keep you informed of the progress.
On orders for 500 pieces or more we allow a special discount of 4%and look forward to receiving your order.
My weather FAX receiving machine is out of order. The model type is FRUNO made from JRC.
After receiving the prompt message, all the teams leaded by their captains respectively went to every corner of the school, searching for clues in order to complete the tasks.
It was urgent to develop the satellite data receiving system based on embedded technology in order to improve the capability of the user data receiving station and reduce the cost.
The span of time, including order preparation time, queue time, processing time, moving time, and receiving and inspection time, is called lead time.
In order to improve the performance of receiver, the technology of RAKE diversity receiving is usually adopted, which needs the exact channel estimation information.
In order to recover the message carrying signal at the receiving end, we use adaptive controller to compensate the variation of channel gain when the channel is time-varying.
Because of alignment rebar, on the futures market receiving has the certain difficulty, cannot satisfy the end-user needs, this kind of resources in order to meet only to steel.
Goods will be sent within 24 hours of receiving your order.
In order to alleviate the value of the plunging pressure caused by plunging jet from DAMS effectively, plunging jet should be dispersed in the receiving pool.
In order to alleviate the value of the plunging pressure caused by plunging jet from DAMS effectively, plunging jet should be dispersed in the receiving pool.