The median age at onset is later than that for the other anxiety disorders.
People with GAD may also suffer from other anxiety disorders, substance abuse, or depression.
If the findings translate to humans, they could lead to new ways to treat depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders.
Depression in adolescence frequently co-occurs with other disorders such as anxiety, disruptive behavior, eating disorders or substance abuse.
But the new research finds that teens who meet the criteria for social phobia are also more likely to struggle with depression, anxiety, substance disorders and other problems.
Depression in adolescence frequently co-occurs with other disorders such as anxiety, eating disorders, or substance abuse.
While we're at it, undiagnosed depression, anxiety or any number of other mental disorders could also be interfering with your sleeping habits. So could obesity or menopause.
Many children with autism also have other conditions, including epilepsy, anxiety disorders and gastrointestinal problems.
There are many different drugs for depression, anxiety and other mental and emotional disorders.
Previous studies have suggested that the amygdala, among other roles, evaluates social threats and is overactive in people with anxiety disorders.
One involved treatment of anxiety disorders, the other examined long-term effects of alcohol use in teenagers.
Other factors may include body mass, age, smoking habits, drug or hormone use, stress and health conditions such as anxiety disorders.
Kids who are painfully shy and nervous are more prone to anxiety disorders and depression later in life, and they're more likely to self-medicate with alcohol and other drugs.
The other half - depressed people who had anxiety disorders, too - didn't get any clear benefit from taking the supplements compared to placebo.
Individuals whose presentation meets criteria for generalized anxiety disorder are likely to have met, or currently meet, criteria for other anxiety and unipolar depressive disorders.
If you're low on magnesium, you're likely to suffer from anxiety, irritability, depression and other disorders.
Second, antidepressants are effective not only for depression, but also for anxiety disorders, which are common as well, and for other problems such as insomnia, chronic pain and migraine headaches.
It is believed that repetitive early pain events lead to anxiety and other behavioral disorders while also decreasing pain tolerance.
Conclusion Anxiety, depression and diseases, and life events, and sleep disorders, and age, gender and occupation and other factors.
Depression can also occur with other mental illnesses, such as anxiety disorders.
Other research ers say women, more than men, tend to suffer from depression and anxiety disorders, which can lead to insomnia.
Other research ers say women, more than men, tend to suffer from depression and anxiety disorders, which can lead to insomnia.