This category includes most other costs in running a business, including marketing, management salaries, and technology expenses.
Talk to other business owners about how they figured out start-up costs and ask specifically about expenses they forgot.
Resist the urge to spend a lot of money on business CARDS, office supplies and other expenses.
Costs eligible for support include a most-direct-route economy class return travel and accommodation , visa application fee, on-ground transport and other legitimate business expenses.
Pray for God's favor in bringing more business to the supermarket. As the cost of rental and other overhead cost are high in Cairo, they need more business volume to cover the high expenses.
Here are some Suggestions for reducing other expenses that you may incur as you operate your eBay home business.
Besides, enterprises or other organizations could settle the business trip expenses through their corporate foreign currency bank account.
Party a agrees to pay the attorney fees and other costs and expenses (including expenses for board and lodging, business trips, communications, etc.,) taken under such circumstances.
The boarding expenses, communication expenses and any other reasonable expenses for an arbitrator to go on business trips or hold a hearing in order to handle an arbitration case;
The boarding expenses, communication expenses and any other reasonable expenses for an arbitrator to go on business trips or hold a hearing in order to handle an arbitration case;