He said the boat was trying to outmaneuver the Israeli vessel when it was struck.
He say the boat were trying to outmaneuver the Israeli vessel when it were struck.
Deceive or outmaneuver some people and they will spend the rest of their lives seeking revenge.
But for Dell, acting more like a startup may be the best way to outmaneuver bigger tech rivals.
You can win by using any of those methods but only if you do one thing more: Outmaneuver the other guy.
Above all, don't try to go into denial, for you won't be able to use logic to outmaneuver your feelings.
Wardens have a line of sight teleport ability called "blink," which they can use to outmaneuver even the quickest of foes.
Grant was able to outmaneuver and subsequently defeat his opposite number, though he maintained the reverence he held for Dodonna.
But Mr. Grossman said that in the broad arms race between consumers and advertisers, the advertisers always find some way to outmaneuver us.
In a business where information is the most valuable commodity, traders with the smartest, fastest computers can outfox and outmaneuver rivals.
Infectious bacteria have evolved through the loopholes in almost every drug we've created, thanks to our own misuse and overuse. But we may yet outmaneuver them.
Through customer surveys, focus group meetings and mystery shopper surveys, we gather market information to enable our clients to react promptly to customers' needs and outmaneuver competition.
Through customer surveys, focus group meetings and mystery shopper surveys, we gather market information to enable our clients to react promptly to customers' needs and outmaneuver competition.