"Getting up in the morning requires a tremendous effort," she says. "a lot of people with ADHD have trouble shutting down at night-their brains are so overactive they can't sleep."
They added that in people with PTSD, the right hemisphere was overactive even when individuals were not reliving a traumatic experience.
An overactive thyroid creates so much static, it's hard for the brain's messages to get through, while a sluggish thyroid slows brain messages to a crawl.
The approach, published April 8 in Immunity, exploits the immune system's built-in safety mechanism—a group of regulatory T cells whose job is to squelch overactive immune responses.
That meant the enzyme was a potential drug target, since it has been found to be overactive in the vast majority of human tumors.
He added that the research aimed to work out whether it was possible to reset a specific group of overactive cells.
A few years later, another mutation was found in LRP5 that produced the opposite effect, extremely dense bones and resistance to osteoporosis. In this case, LRP5 was overactive.
A variety of massage techniques can decrease overactive pain messages from sympathetic nervous system firing, increase circulation, and improve overall tissue health.
Persistently overactive systems, however, can also cause a series of pathologic consequences including heart failure.
Persistently overactive systems, however, can also cause a series of pathologic consequences including heart failure.