The search module we design it with three overhead system architecture, and display the information the user needed by a structured form.
You must also consider the overhead of system call tracing.
In addition to the overhead of creating and destroying threads, active threads consume system resources.
D-BUS is a lightweight yet powerful remote procedure call system with minimal overhead costs for the applications that wish to use it.
D - BUS是一个轻量级但是很强大的远程过程调用系统,为希望使用它的应用程序带来最小的开销代价。
If your system spends too much time on overhead tasks, such as swapping memory, you might need to specify a lower number of threads.
While this system requires a lot of overhead and latency, it also allows less powerful machines to access high powered resources.
You just need to edit source code on your own computer, and everything else can be delegated to an automated system in the cloud with minimal it overhead.
This avoids network latency and the overhead of inter-process communication, as well as context switching in the operating system, further contributing to extreme speed.
By this, I mean that the infrastructure itself should be architected to enable the continued growth of the system and make the new resources available with little or no overhead.
In general, cooked files are slower because of the additional overhead and buffering provided by the file system.
The overhead of this request can make a system unscalable if the validating parser does not cache the schema definitions.
The malpractice just mentioned will result in chatty services with increased system overhead and a performance penalty that can be a significant setback to the adoption of SOA.
刚刚提到的失误将导致服务间频繁通信,从而导致系统开销增加,所带来的性能损失将对SOA 采用造成极大的阻碍。
This functionality provides more robust concurrency and implements it in a way that does not cause extra overhead for the system or transaction processing.
Rather than add the latency, complexity, and overhead of summarizing, logging, and processing information, it is often better to provide direct access to live system performance data.
The operating system should supply the computer as a basic resource to the running application's', with as little complication, abstraction and overhead as possible.
It is a system overhead and must be simple to operate, high performing, and cost-effective.
Threads can be created and managed less operating system overhead and fewer system resources.
Both overall file system overhead and efficiency issues relating to individual file storage can play a role here.
Without file system caching, this overhead is mitigated by the fact that XML columns are buffered in the DB2 buffer pool and CLOB columns are not.
Each interaction with the rest of the system invokes one or more system calls, and each call adds overhead.
There is significant overhead to suspending and rescheduling a thread, which involves work by the JVM, operating system, and hardware.
The development team members must collaborate very closely with each other and make decisions about the system quickly with little delay due to process overhead.
Overhead such as system down time, meetings, and answering e-mail
This led us to conclude that the overhead of the extra processor and memory found in system 7000 could have an impact until there are more than 325 users.
The modern Metro does the same, arriving exactly when the overhead clock says it will, making my home system (New York) seem rickety and archaic by comparison.
Sendfile (2) is a technique that avoids buffer copy overhead, and it directly pushes bits from the file system onto the network.
However, the 16 bytes minimum at least is characteristic of any system requiring 8-byte alignment in which there is any malloc bookkeeping overhead.
It also maintains an instruction cache for improved performance by storing the "micro operations" of the original x86 system (which can be fetched later without the overhead of decoding).
In such a system, the overhead that it takes for a web server's underlying kernel to switch between each process (to see if they have any work for the CPU to do) becomes a bottleneck.
If your system spends most of its time serving up Web applications, then you can turn off the overhead of the graphical interface and use that memory and CPU for your service.