Before the crisis, the ECB would aim to keep overnight interest rates close to the refi rate.
If you buy a low interest rate currency and sell high-yielding currencies, then you will be deducted from the overnight interest rate.
By restricting its liquidity support, the ECB will be able to guide overnight interest rates towards 1% without having to alter its policy rate.
The deposit rate it pays to Banks on their excess cash is one percentage point below its policy rate, and provides a floor for overnight interest rates.
On top of this, the Federal Reserve has cut its overnight interest rate to about zero and is lending directly in markets where private investors have retreated, including housing.
The Fed broke inflation by pushing its overnight interest-rate target to 20% in 1981.
Both the Aussie and Canadian dollars were higher overnight on interest rate expectations.
The second alarm is the widening in the spread between LIBOR and the relatively risk-free interest rate known as OIS (overnight indexed swap).
I've got the Federal Funds rate — it's the shortest interest rate, an overnight rate — it was at 4% at that time and then there was a sharp drop.
Overnight Index swap an interest rate swap involving the overnight rate being exchanged for some fixed interest rate.
In normal times, the federal funds rate would more fully capture firms' costs of overnight borrowing, making it a good foundation from which to calibrate other interest rates.
In normal times, the federal funds rate would more fully capture firms' costs of overnight borrowing, making it a good foundation from which to calibrate other interest rates.