The frame is an important part of automobile.
The piston ring is a key part of automobile engine.
The light source is the main part of automobile headlamp.
The test of automobile braking performance is a most important part of automobile safety.
Six-axis Wheel Force Transducer (WFT), the structure of which is very specific and complex, is the key part of automobile road experiment system.
Valve train system is an important part of automobile engine and its designing level has great influence on the performance, reliability and life-span of engine.
Electric fuel pump is an important part of automobile fuel feed system, which absorbs fuel from fuel tank and provide it to the air crocks of engine by fuel injection.
The design of software and hardware of Engine Control Unit (ECU) given in this paper is a part of Automobile electronics project namely the 919 project of Jiankui Group.
Transmission's test-on-line has been one important part of automobile industry production line, this paper introduces transmission's test monitor system based on Kingview.
Gear system is the important component part of automobile and engineering machine transmission system, its operating characteristic has the most important influence for entire transmission system.
As elsewhere in Europe and the United States, the French car industry has been hard hit by the crisis, and part of Mr. Sarkozy's stimulus plan aims to shore up the automobile sector.
Longitudinal dynamics system control is an important part of automated control of the vehicle. Longitudinal control is the speed control of an automobile on its running way.
Tony Stark drives an Audi R8 in the film, as part of a promotion deal Marvel Studios made with the Audi Automobile Company.
It is the part of the automobile that you see.
The quality of automobile field of view directly affects riding comfort and operational convenience, which is an important part in process of automobile design.
The main content of chapter one of this text is the research current situations of ABC of logistics, transportation system and part logistics of automobile.
Automobile insurance is an important part of modern insurances.
The following appeared as part of a memo from the manager of an automobile manufacturing company.
Rain sensor is an important part of intelligent windscreen wiper system of automobile.
Ford reversed this process to see if it would speed up production of a part of an automobile engine called a magneto.
The integration of stamping and welding process is new body manufacturing concept, an important part of simultaneous engineering in automobile vehicle development.
The work principle, die structure and typical part design of the new forming method of lateral holes on automobile hub have been introduced.
The name "Pistons" refers to a key part of an automobile engine.
In automobile gearbox production, the normalizing quality of forgings directly affect the machining of part and the quality of finished product.
The motor steering link and bar is the main part of the automobile steering system, its intensity and reliability are direct related to automobile's safety performance.
The driver of the electrical motor is the key part of an electrical automobile.
As an important part of the auto-body, automobile panel, decides the automobile performance and the appearance quality, therefore enjoys high demands for its quality.
Long distance driving Tours were intended to demonstrate the reliability of the automobile, but because the roads were unmarked, part of the challenge was finding the way.
And combined with the fatigue analysis of the dumping low-bracket, the commercial software based fatigue analysis process of automobile part is elaborated.
And combined with the fatigue analysis of the dumping low-bracket, the commercial software based fatigue analysis process of automobile part is elaborated.