Use pass-by-reference only if you have to.
Pass-by-reference semantics is maintained across multiple distributed nodes.
在多个分布式节点间保持了Pass - by - reference语义。
However, you must be aware that these alternatives change the semantics of the interaction from pass-by-value to pass-by-reference.
然而,您必须注意到这些可供选择的方案会将交互方法从按值传递(pass - by - value)改变为按引用传递(pass - by - reference)。
In Listing 6, the connector can either pass the result inline or by reference.
By enabling pass by reference, the parameters of the method are not copied to the stack with every remote call, which can be expensive.
PHP 4 added the ability to pass and return by reference.
To summarize, the ORB pass by reference option basically treats the invoked EJB method as a local call (even for EJBs with remote interfaces) and avoids the requisite object copy.
总的来说,OR B通过引用传递选项基本上将调用的EJB方法作为本地调用对待(甚至对于带远程接口的EJB),并避免必需的对象复制操作。
If an object created by a thread needs to do allocation internally, you must pass a reference to the thread itself to the object so that the allocate methods can be called when needed.
The ORB pass by reference option will only provide a benefit when the EJB client (that is, servlet) and invoked EJB module are located within the same classloader.
仅当EJB客户机(即servlet)和所调用的 EJB模块位于相同的类加载器中时,ORB通过引用传递选项才能够带来收益。
If you're using EJB components and deploying them locally within the same JVM as the SOAP engine, then ensure that you deploy them such that they are called using pass by reference.
如果您正在使用EJB组件,并且将它们作为SOAP引擎部署在相同的JVM中本地部署它们,请确保部署它们,这样就可以通过引用传递(pass by reference)来调用它们。
The Object Request Broker (ORB) pass by reference option determines if pass by reference or pass by value semantics should be used when handling parameter objects involved in an EJB request.
ObjectRequestBroker (ORB)通过引用传递选项确定,在处理EJB 请求中涉及的参数对象时应该使用通过引用传递还是通过值传递语义。
The enable-call-by-reference element is generally used to pass parameters by reference rather than by value, which requires making a copy of the parameters.
In Listing 6, the connector can either pass the result inline or by reference.
Your normal habit when passing an argument to a function should be to pass by const reference.
How to pass parameter by reference to the proc?
Why does this method pass 'stop' by reference instead of return?
With pass by value, any change to the parameter is not reflected in the calling routine. Those who have used pass by reference will probably find this confusing.
Not only the high quality products are produced successfully and percent of pass is enhanced, but also the reference is provided for like products by investment casting.
Your normal habit when passing an argument to a function should be to pass by const reference.
For reference types, if you pass a parameter by value, it results in a copy of the reference to an object being passed.
Describes how to pass multidimensional arrays of integers by value and how to pass one-dimensional arrays by reference.
If you use this variable to pass a reference to an instance of a class, the members of the instance can be modified by the thread-pool thread and used as return values.
Describes how to pass strings by value, by reference, in structures, in classes, and in arrays.
When you pass a reference-type parameter by value, it is possible to change the data pointed to by the reference, such as the value of a class member.
When you pass a reference-type parameter by value, it is possible to change the data pointed to by the reference, such as the value of a class member.