The House has passed a bill this past week that would change the taxation of carried interest from capital gains treatment to ordinary income treatment.
It has passed and it is past. It's part of the past.
Consequently, I’ve been out of commission for the past few days. I’m feeling better today, and the fever has passed, but I still have a sore throat and feel a bit spacey.
The stubborn conflict in Palestine is a reminder that in some doleful ways history has not passed the Arabs by at all. They have seen plenty of history of the wrong sort these past two decades.
Now, the timid steps of brilliant but has passed, the wind blows to constantly seeking past, everything is far too to be without purpose.
As days passed, over the past two days, has come true.
Before has passed, in the past could not have comes again.
The World Bank has passed through a difficult time for all involved. There are frustrations, anxieties and tensions about the past that could inhibit the future.
Already passed in the past, tomorrow has not yet come, the only thing we can be sure of is that today, is now!
Already passed in the past, tomorrow has not yet come, the only thing we can be sure of is that today, is now!